

Delgamuukw, a.k.a. Earl Muldoe, suing on his own behalf and on behalf of all the members of the House, et al. c. Sa Majesté la reine du chef de la Colombie-Britannique, et al.

(Colombie-Britannique) (Civile) (Autorisation)

Les jugements sur les demandes d’autorisation d’appel sont rendus par la Cour, mais ne sont pas nécessairement unanimes.

Date Procédure Document déposé par
(si applicable)
1998-02-04 Appel fermé
1998-01-30 Copie du jugement formel en voie de préparation, all parties
1998-01-29 Jugement formel envoyé au registraire de la cour d'appel et toutes les parties, British Columbia (Vancouver)
1998-01-23 Dossier retourné au registraire de la Cour d'appel, sent together with 24891 - 24896 - 24943 - 24999 - 25179 and 25474 (2 boxes)
1997-12-11 Jugement rendu sur l'appel, JC LaF L'HD So Co McL Ma, L'appel est accueilli en partie, l'appel incident est rejeté et un nouveau procès est ordonné.
Accueilli, aucune ordonnance relative aux dépens
1997-12-11 Avis de dépôt du jugement envoyé à toutes les parties, all parties
1997-08-15 Divers, 10 copies of response to the speaking notes of Gitksan, sent to CJ LaF L'HD So Co McL Ma, Aug. 18/97, with service Sa Majesté la reine du chef de la Colombie-Britannique
1997-07-31 Correspondance (envoyée par la Cour) à, from J. Arvay to Registrar, letter dated July 31, 1997 re: will file the reply to the Gitksan's speaking notes by August 15, 1997 (fax copy) (confirmed on phone with M. Jobidon on Aug. 1/97), sent to CJ, LaF, L'HD, So, Co, McL, Ma, Aug. 1/97
1997-07-25 Divers, (as per phone conversation with G. Garton, the Att. General of Canada will not filed any reply to the Speaking Notes filed by Mr. Rush) Procureur général du Canada
1997-07-23 Correspondance (envoyée par la Cour) à, (by fax) dated July 23/97 from Marvin R.V. Storrow (Wet'suwet'en) re: order indicating date by which any response must be filed
1997-07-18 Divers, 10copies of SPEAKING NOTES (see order of Ma of July 16/97), with service Delgamuukw, a.k.a. Earl Muldoe, suing on his own behalf and on behalf of all the members of the House
1997-07-17 Ordonnance sur requête diverse, by the appellants Gitksan Band (please see A903 dated July 16/97)
1997-07-16 Correspondance (envoyée par la Cour) à, dated July 15, 1997 from Marvin R.V. Storrow in response to two inquiries requested by The Chief Justice at the hearing of the appeal, sent to CJ, LaF, L'HD, So, Co, McL, Ma, July 17/97
1997-07-16 Décision sur requête diverse, by the appellants Gitksan Band for an order permitting the filing of speaking notes of Stuart Rush, subject to the respondents right to reply in writing not to exceed 10 pages., Ma
Accordée, aucune ordonnance relative aux dépens
1997-07-16 Audition de requête diverse, 1997-07-16, by the appellants Gitksan Band for an order permitting the filing of speaking notes of Stuart Rush, subject to the respondents right to reply in writing not to exceed 10 pages., Ma
1997-07-16 Présentation de requête diverse, 1997-07-16, by the appellants Gitksan Band for an order permitting the filing of speaking notes of Stuart Rush, subject to the respondents right to reply in writing not to exceed 10 pages., Ma
1997-07-15 Correspondance (envoyée par la Cour) à, (by fax) dated July 15/97 from Gowlings re: does not object the filing of speaking notes by Gitskan
1997-07-11 Correspondance (envoyée par la Cour) à, from J. Arvay to Registrar, letter dated July 9, 1997 (fax copy) re: takes no position on the filing of the speaking notes filed by the Appellants
1997-07-11 Correspondance (envoyée par la Cour) à, (by fax) from Graham Garton; re: takes no position to the appellant`s motion to file speaking notes and supports the view of Mr. Arvay
1997-07-09 50 $ frais de dépôt pour avis de requête, receipt #34461 Delgamuukw, a.k.a. Earl Muldoe, suing on his own behalf and on behalf of all the members of the House
1997-07-07 Affidavit, Stuart Rush, with service Delgamuukw, a.k.a. Earl Muldoe, suing on his own behalf and on behalf of all the members of the House
1997-07-07 Avis de requête diverse, for an Order permitting the filing of speaking notes of Stuart Rush, Q.C., with service, complété le : 1997-07-07 Delgamuukw, a.k.a. Earl Muldoe, suing on his own behalf and on behalf of all the members of the House
1997-07-04 Divers, transcripts received and distributed to the judges (255 pages) (vol. 1 and 2)
1997-06-24 Correspondance (envoyée par la Cour) à, from A. Roland to M. Dalen re: acknowledge receipt of her letter dated June 6, 1997
1997-06-20 Correspondance (envoyée par la Cour) à, (by fax) from Stuart Rush; re: enclosed speaking notes to the Justices (MOTION REQUESTED), sent to CJ, LaF, L'HD, So, Co, McL, Ma, July 22/97
1997-06-17 Divers, 12 copies of CONDENSED BOOK OF EVIDENCE (given in Court) Procureur général du Canada
1997-06-17 Recueil de sources, 10 copies of vol. 1 and 2 (Gitksan), complété le : 1997-06-17 Delgamuukw, a.k.a. Earl Muldoe, suing on his own behalf and on behalf of all the members of the House
1997-06-17 Divers, 12 copies of CONDENSED BOOK OF EVIDENTIARY (given in Court) Delgamuukw, a.k.a. Earl Muldoe, suing on his own behalf and on behalf of all the members of the House
1997-06-17 Divers, 12 copies of REFERENCE BOOK OF THE GITKSAN (factum on cross-appeal) (given in Court) Delgamuukw, a.k.a. Earl Muldoe, suing on his own behalf and on behalf of all the members of the House
1997-06-17 Divers, 12 copies of CONDENSED REFERENCES (Gitksan) (given in Court) Delgamuukw, a.k.a. Earl Muldoe, suing on his own behalf and on behalf of all the members of the House
1997-06-17 Divers, 12 copies of SPEAKING NOTES (given in Court by the appeallants) Delgamuukw, a.k.a. Earl Muldoe, suing on his own behalf and on behalf of all the members of the House
1997-06-16 Audition de l'appel, 1997-06-16, JC LaF L'HD So Co McL Ma
Décision en délibéré
1997-06-13 Correspondance (envoyée par la Cour) à, (by fax)
1997-06-13 Preuve de signification, of the intervener's factum admitted on April 18/97 and April 21/97
1997-06-12 Divers, 12 copies of CONDENSED BOOK OF REFERENCES Sa Majesté la reine du chef de la Colombie-Britannique
1997-06-12 Recueil de sources, 10 copies, with service, complété le : 1997-06-12 First Nations Summit
1997-06-11 Preuve de signification, of book of authorities
1997-06-11 Dossier de la cour d'appel, (Exhibit 1008 - map)
1997-06-11 Recueil de sources, 10 copies, complété le : 1997-06-11 Westbank First Nation
1997-06-11 Correspondance (envoyée par la Cour) à, from M. Dalen to Registrar, letter dated June 6, 1997 re: material with regards to the appeal (not a party in this appeal)
1997-06-10 Décision sur requête pour déposer un mémoire en réplique sur appel, on behalf of Gitksan appellants, Ma
Accordée, aucune ordonnance relative aux dépens
1997-06-10 Audition de requête pour déposer un mémoire en réplique sur appel, 1997-06-10, on behalf of Gitksan appellants, Ma
1997-06-10 Présentation de requête pour déposer un mémoire en réplique sur appel, 1997-06-10, on behalf of Gitksan appellants, Ma
1997-06-10 Décision sur requête pour déposer un mémoire en réplique sur appel, on behalf of the Wet'suwet'en Hereditary Chiefs, Ma
Accordée, aucune ordonnance relative aux dépens
1997-06-10 Audition de requête pour déposer un mémoire en réplique sur appel, 1997-06-10, on behalf of the Wet'suwet'en Hereditary Chiefs, Ma
1997-06-10 Présentation de requête pour déposer un mémoire en réplique sur appel, 1997-06-10, on behalf of the Wet'suwet'en Hereditary Chiefs, Ma
1997-06-10 Mémoire en réplique sur un appel, 24 copies of REPLY OF WET'SUWET'EN HEREDITARY CHIEFS (see order dated June 10, 1997), with service, complété le : 1997-06-10 Delgamuukw, a.k.a. Earl Muldoe, suing on his own behalf and on behalf of all the members of the House
1997-06-10 Mémoire en réplique sur un appel, 24 copies of REPLY OF GITKSAN HEREDITARY CHIEFS (see order datd June 10, 1997), with service, complété le : 1997-06-10 Delgamuukw, a.k.a. Earl Muldoe, suing on his own behalf and on behalf of all the members of the House
1997-06-09 Correspondance (envoyée par la Cour) à, from V. Milton; re: did not hire Bruce Clark to represent him; interests represented by Gitksan Hereditary Chiefs; agree to be represented by Stuart Rush
1997-06-09 Recueil de sources, 10 copies of vol. 1 and 2, with service, complété le : 1997-06-09 B.C. Cattlemen's Association
1997-06-09 Avis de comparution, (Judith Bowers, Q.C., Murray T. Wolf and Geoffrey S. Lester) Sa Majesté la reine du chef de la Colombie-Britannique
1997-06-06 Correspondance (envoyée par la Cour) à, (by fax) from J.J. Arvay; re: opposes the appellants' motions to file reply factums
1997-06-06 Correspondance (envoyée par la Cour) à, from Bruce Clark re: NOTICE OF DISCONTINUANCE OF THE MOTION FILED ON JUNE 5, 1997 (fax copy)
1997-06-06 Correspondance (envoyée par la Cour) à, from Marvin Storrwo to A. Roland, letter dated June 6, 1997 re: responding to the letters of Mrs. Garton, Arvay and Rush with regards with the motion to file a reply (fax copy)
1997-06-06 Divers, NOTICE OF CHANGE OF NAME OF PARTY (from Repap Enterprises to Skeena Cellulose Inc.), with service Skeena Cellulose Inc.
1997-06-05 Divers, submission in response to the motions of Gitksan and Wet'suwet'en to file a reply factum Procureur général du Canada
1997-06-05 Preuve de signification, of the motion of the Wet'suwet'en Hereditaty Chiefs to file a reply factum
1997-06-05 Affidavit, of Margaret Clark re: motion for varying the order dated March 14, 1996
1997-06-05 Avis de requête diverse, (filed by Bruce Clark) re: motion for varying the order dated March 14, 1996, allowing Bruce Clark to stay in the appeal, complété le : 1997-06-05
1997-06-05 Preuve de signification, of the motion by Gitksan to file a reply factum
1997-06-04 Recueil de sources, on cross-appeal 10 copies, complété le : 1997-06-04 Sa Majesté la reine du chef de la Colombie-Britannique
1997-06-04 Recueil de sources, on appeal 10 copies of vol. I to III, complété le : 1997-06-04 Sa Majesté la reine du chef de la Colombie-Britannique
1997-06-03 Divers, 1 copy of Memorandum of argument in support of motion to file a reply (re: Wet'suwet'en Hereditary Chiefs), with service Delgamuukw, a.k.a. Earl Muldoe, suing on his own behalf and on behalf of all the members of the House
1997-06-03 Affidavit, of Joanne R. Lysyk (on behalf of Wet'suwet'en Hereditary Chiefs), with service Delgamuukw, a.k.a. Earl Muldoe, suing on his own behalf and on behalf of all the members of the House
1997-06-03 50 $ frais de dépôt pour avis de requête, receipt no. 34257 (on behalf of Wet'suwet'en Hereditary Chiefs) Delgamuukw, a.k.a. Earl Muldoe, suing on his own behalf and on behalf of all the members of the House
1997-06-03 Requête pour déposer un mémoire en réplique sur appel, (on behalf of the Wet'suwet'en Hereditary Chiefs) - 1 copy, complété le : 1997-06-03 Delgamuukw, a.k.a. Earl Muldoe, suing on his own behalf and on behalf of all the members of the House
1997-06-03 50 $ frais de dépôt pour avis de requête, receipt no. 34257 Delgamuukw, a.k.a. Earl Muldoe, suing on his own behalf and on behalf of all the members of the House
1997-06-02 Affidavit, of David Paterson (1 copy), with service Delgamuukw, a.k.a. Earl Muldoe, suing on his own behalf and on behalf of all the members of the House
1997-06-02 Requête pour déposer un mémoire en réplique sur appel, (on behalf of Appellants Gitksan) - 1 copy, with service, complété le : 1997-06-02 Delgamuukw, a.k.a. Earl Muldoe, suing on his own behalf and on behalf of all the members of the House
1997-05-30 Divers, 22 copies of factum of Xsgogimlahxa, filed by Bruce Clark (21 COPIES RETURNED ON JUNE 6, 1997 TO B. CLARK)
1997-05-29 Divers, Part 4, nature of order sought sent to CJ LaF L'HD So Co McL Ma, May 30/97 Alcan Aluminium Limitée
1997-05-23 Mémoire de l'intervenant(e), 24 copies (joint with I05 to I13), with service, complété le : 1997-05-23 B.C. Cattlemen's Association
1997-05-23 Mémoire de l'intervenant(e), 24 copies, with service, complété le : 1997-05-23 Skeena Cellulose Inc.
1997-05-22 Divers, 12 copies of References (paras. 1-68) Sa Majesté la reine du chef de la Colombie-Britannique
1997-05-22 Divers, 12 copies of vol. 1 to 3 (References - paras. 1-150) Sa Majesté la reine du chef de la Colombie-Britannique
1997-05-22 Recueil de sources, 10 copies, with service, complété le : 1997-05-22 Alcan Aluminium Limitée
1997-05-22 Mémoire de l'intervenant(e), 24 copies (Part IV; Order requested missing), with service, complété le : 1997-05-22 Alcan Aluminium Limitée
1997-05-15 Avis d'audition Delgamuukw, a.k.a. Earl Muldoe, suing on his own behalf and on behalf of all the members of the House
1997-05-13 Correspondance (envoyée par la Cour) à, sent to Dept. of Justice (Vancouver, BC) enclosing copy of notice to the profession dealing with condensed books
1997-05-13 Correspondance (envoyée par la Cour) à, sent to Arvay, Finlay (Victoria, BC) enclosing copy of notice to the profession dealing with condensed books
1997-05-13 Correspondance (envoyée par la Cour) à, sent to Blake, Cassels & Graydon (Vancouver, BC) enclosing copy of the notice to the profession dealing with condensed books
1997-05-13 Correspondance (envoyée par la Cour) à, sent to Rush, Crane, Guenther & Adams (Vancouver, BC) enclosing copy of the notice to the profession dealing with condensed books
1997-05-09 Divers, FACTUM OF WET'SUWET'EN HEREDITARY CHIEFS in reply to the CROSS-APPEAL 24 copies, with service Delgamuukw, a.k.a. Earl Muldoe, suing on his own behalf and on behalf of all the members of the House
1997-05-09 Divers, FACTUM OF GITKSAN HEREDITARY CHIEFS in reply to the CROSS-APPEAL 24 copies, with service Delgamuukw, a.k.a. Earl Muldoe, suing on his own behalf and on behalf of all the members of the House
1997-04-30 Audition d'appel mise au rôle, 1997-06-16
Décision en délibéré
1997-04-28 Correspondance (envoyée par la Cour) à, (by fax) from Marvin R.V. Storrow; re: schedule for argument time
1997-04-25 Divers, 12 copies of REFERENCE BOOK vol. I to IV Procureur général du Canada
1997-04-18 Mémoire de l'intervenant(e), 24 copies, with service, complété le : 1997-04-18 First Nations Summit
1997-04-18 Mémoire de l'intervenant(e), 24 copies, with service, complété le : 1997-04-18 All other members of the Musqueam Indian Band
1997-04-18 Mémoire de l'intervenant(e), 24 copies (see order dated Oct. 25, 1997), with service, complété le : 1997-04-18 Westbank First Nation
1997-04-17 Ordonnance sur requête diverse, to vary the Order of Major J. dated Mar. 20/97
1997-04-15 Correspondance (envoyée par la Cour) à, from M. Storrow re: notice of change of address for delivery - Blake, Cassels & Graydon, Suite 2600, Three Bentall Centre, 595 Burrard Street, P. O. Box 49314, Vancouver, B.C. V7X 1L3, with service
1997-04-09 Décision sur requête diverse, Ma, to vary the Order of Major J. dated Mar. 20/97. It is hereby ordered that the Order be varied as follows: Gitksan appellants - 1 hour 45 min.; Wet'suwet'en appellants - 1 hour 45 min.; Interveners for appellants - 45 min. (3 x 15 min.) The Province respondent - 1 hour 45 min.; Canada respondent - 1 hour 45 min.; Interveners for respondents - 45 min. (3 x 15 min.)
Accordée, aucune ordonnance relative aux dépens
1997-04-09 Audition de requête diverse, 1997-04-09, Ma
1997-04-09 Présentation de requête diverse, 1997-04-09, Ma
1997-04-07 50 $ frais de dépôt pour avis de requête, to vary the order of Major dated March 20/97 (2 motions receipt #33898 of $100.00) Delgamuukw, a.k.a. Earl Muldoe, suing on his own behalf and on behalf of all the members of the House
1997-04-04 Affidavit, (of Joanne R. Lysyk) (to vary the order of Major dated March 20, 1997), with service Delgamuukw, a.k.a. Earl Muldoe, suing on his own behalf and on behalf of all the members of the House
1997-04-04 Avis de requête diverse, (TO VARY THE ORDER OF MR. JUSTICE MAJOR DATED MARCH 20, 1997) (filed on behalf WET'SUWET'EN), with service, complété le : 1997-04-04 Delgamuukw, a.k.a. Earl Muldoe, suing on his own behalf and on behalf of all the members of the House
1997-04-04 Avis de requête diverse, (TO VARY THE ORDER OF MR. JUSTICE MAJOR DATED MARCH 20, 1997) (filed on behalf GITSKAN), with service, complété le : 1997-04-04 Delgamuukw, a.k.a. Earl Muldoe, suing on his own behalf and on behalf of all the members of the House
1997-04-01 Mémoire de l'intimé(e), 24 copies (joint with factum on cross-appeal), with service, complété le : 1997-04-01 Sa Majesté la reine du chef de la Colombie-Britannique
1997-03-27 Recueil de sources, 10 copies, complété le : 1997-03-27 Procureur général du Canada
1997-03-27 Mémoire de l'intimé(e), 24 copies (see order dated Nov. 28, 1996), with service, complété le : 1997-03-27 Procureur général du Canada
1997-03-20 Décision sur requête en prorogation du temps de plaidoirie, Ma, It is hereby ordered that the time for oral presentation for the within appeals be as follows: -Gitksan appellants (1 hour) -Wet'suwet'en appellants (1 hour) -Interveners for appellants (45 min. (3 x 15 min.) -The Province (1 hour) -Canada (1 hour) -Interveners for respondents (45 min. (3 x 15 min.)
Rejeté(e), aucune ordonnance relative aux dépens
1997-03-20 Audition de requête en prorogation du temps de plaidoirie, 1997-03-20, Ma
1997-03-20 Présentation de requête en prorogation du temps de plaidoirie, 1997-03-20, Ma
1997-03-20 50 $ frais de dépôt pour avis de requête, receipt no. 33796 Delgamuukw, a.k.a. Earl Muldoe, suing on his own behalf and on behalf of all the members of the House
1997-03-18 Affidavit, of Marvin Storrow, with service Delgamuukw, a.k.a. Earl Muldoe, suing on his own behalf and on behalf of all the members of the House
1997-03-18 Affidavit, of Stuar Rush, with service Delgamuukw, a.k.a. Earl Muldoe, suing on his own behalf and on behalf of all the members of the House
1997-03-18 Requête en prorogation du temps de plaidoirie, (5 days for the hearing of the appeal) ($50.00 requested), with service, complété le : 1997-03-18 Delgamuukw, a.k.a. Earl Muldoe, suing on his own behalf and on behalf of all the members of the House
1997-03-11 Correspondance (envoyée par la Cour) à, from Stuart Rush to A. Roland, letter dated March 11, 1997 (fax copy) re: 5 days would be necessary for the oral argument
1997-02-25 Appel prêt pour audition, Session commençant le 1997-04-21
1997-01-29 Ordonnance sur requête diverse, (revised order of Major J. of Nov.28/96)
1997-01-22 Correspondance (envoyée par la Cour) à, (by fax) from Joseph J. Arvay; re: Order of Major, J. dated Nov. 28/96
1997-01-16 Divers, 12 copies of reference books of the GITKSAN appellants' factum R-1 to R-7 and T-1 and a Map Book M-1 Delgamuukw, a.k.a. Earl Muldoe, suing on his own behalf and on behalf of all the members of the House
1997-01-16 Divers, 12 copies of reference books of the WET'SUWET'EN appellants' factum R-1 to R-5 and T-1 Delgamuukw, a.k.a. Earl Muldoe, suing on his own behalf and on behalf of all the members of the House
1997-01-16 Recueil de sources, 12 copies of vols. 1 to 3, complété le : 1997-01-16 Delgamuukw, a.k.a. Earl Muldoe, suing on his own behalf and on behalf of all the members of the House
1996-12-24 Divers, 1 small box containing the ELECTRONIC COPY OF THE TRANSCRIPTS OF EVIDENCE AT TRIAL (see order of Aug. 28/96) Delgamuukw, a.k.a. Earl Muldoe, suing on his own behalf and on behalf of all the members of the House
1996-12-09 Avis de dépôt de jugement envoyé à toutes les parties, Gowling, Strathy & Henderson
1996-12-06 Mémoire de l'appelant(e), 24 copies of THE WET'SUVET'EN HEREDITARY CHIEFS (see order dated Nov. 28, 1996), with service, complété le : 1996-12-06 Delgamuukw, a.k.a. Earl Muldoe, suing on his own behalf and on behalf of all the members of the House
1996-12-06 Mémoire de l'appelant(e), 24 copies of THE GITKSAN HEREDITARY CHIEFS (see order dated Nov. 28, 1996), with service, complété le : 1996-12-06 Delgamuukw, a.k.a. Earl Muldoe, suing on his own behalf and on behalf of all the members of the House
1996-11-28 Décision sur requête diverse, Ma, - It is hereby ordered that: 1) the Wet'suwet'en appellants and the Gitksan appellants are each permitted to file a factum of sixty (60) pages; 2) the respondents, Her Majesty the Queen in right of the province of B.C. and the A.G. of Canada, are each permitted to file a factum of sixty (60) pages in response to each of the appellant's factum; 3) the Wet'suwet'en Appellants and the Gitksan Appellants mail their facta no later than Dec. 5, 1996. (revised Jan.29/97)
Accordée, aucune ordonnance relative aux dépens
1996-11-28 Audition de requête diverse, 1996-11-28, Ma
1996-11-28 Présentation de requête diverse, 1996-11-28, Ma
1996-11-27 50 $ frais de dépôt pour avis de requête, to vary order receipt #33096 Delgamuukw, a.k.a. Earl Muldoe, suing on his own behalf and on behalf of all the members of the House
1996-11-27 Affidavit, Gretchen Brown (2nd affidavit) Delgamuukw, a.k.a. Earl Muldoe, suing on his own behalf and on behalf of all the members of the House
1996-11-22 Affidavit, of Joanne R. Lysyk (RE: motion to vary the order of Mr. Justice Major), with service Delgamuukw, a.k.a. Earl Muldoe, suing on his own behalf and on behalf of all the members of the House
1996-11-22 Avis de requête diverse, (TO VARY THE ORDER OF MR. JUSTICE MAJOR DATED OCT. 25, 1996) ($50.00 requested), with service, complété le : 1996-11-22 Delgamuukw, a.k.a. Earl Muldoe, suing on his own behalf and on behalf of all the members of the House
1996-10-25 Décision sur requête diverse, Ma, - 1. The deadline for filing of the Wet'suwet'en appellants and Gitksan appellants facta is extended to Nov. 30/96. 2. Remaining filing deadlines are adjusted as follows: (a) the facta of the respondents in response to the appellants' facta on the main appeal, and the province's factum on the cross-appeal, shall be filed on or before March 29/97; (b) the appellants' facta in response to the province's factum on the cross-appeal shall be filed on or before May 9/97; (c) the facta of the intervenors supporting the appellants shall be filed on or before April 18, 1997; (d) the facta of the intervenors supporting the respondents shall be filed on or before May 23/97; (e) the hearing of this appeal shall take place between June 16th and June 20th, 1997. 3. The applications to extend the duration of the hearing are dismissed. 4. The appications to extend the length of the appellants' facta are dismissed.
Rejeté(e), aucune ordonnance relative aux dépens
1996-10-25 Audition de requête diverse, 1996-10-25, Ma
1996-10-25 Présentation de requête diverse, 1996-10-25, Ma
1996-10-21 Preuve de signification, from James R. Sterritt re: double registered letter sent Oct 10/96
1996-10-10 Correspondance (envoyée par la Cour) à, (by fax) from Graham Garton; re: responding to the motion on behalf of Wet'suwet'en Hereditary Chiefs
1996-10-10 50 $ frais de dépôt pour avis de requête, receipt #32784 Delgamuukw, a.k.a. Earl Muldoe, suing on his own behalf and on behalf of all the members of the House
1996-10-10 Correspondance (envoyée par la Cour) à, sent to James Russell Sterritt (Gitanmaax, BC) enclosing a copy of the formal order by Major J. (DOUBLE REGISTERED)
1996-10-10 Décision sur requête en autorisation d'intervention, - the applicant may file a 30 page factum and is granted 15 minutes for oral argument, Ma
Accordée, aucune ordonnance relative aux dépens
1996-10-10 Audition de requête en autorisation d'intervention, 1996-10-10, - the applicant may file a 30 page factum and is granted 15 minutes for oral argument, Ma
1996-10-10 Présentation de requête en autorisation d'intervention, 1996-10-10, - the applicant may file a 30 page factum and is granted 15 minutes for oral argument, Ma
1996-10-10 Décision sur requête en autorisation d'intervention, Ma
Rejeté(e), aucune ordonnance relative aux dépens
1996-10-10 Audition de requête en autorisation d'intervention, 1996-10-10, Ma
1996-10-10 Présentation de requête en autorisation d'intervention, 1996-10-10, Ma
1996-10-10 Décision sur requête en autorisation d'intervention, - the applicant may file a 20 page factum and is granted 15 minutes for oral argument, Ma
Accordée, aucune ordonnance relative aux dépens
1996-10-10 Audition de requête en autorisation d'intervention, 1996-10-10, - the applicant may file a 20 page factum and is granted 15 minutes for oral argument, Ma
1996-10-10 Présentation de requête en autorisation d'intervention, 1996-10-10, - the applicant may file a 20 page factum and is granted 15 minutes for oral argument, Ma
1996-10-10 Décision sur requête en autorisation d'intervention, - the applicants may file a 20 page factum and are granted 15 minutes for oral argument, Ma
Accordée, aucune ordonnance relative aux dépens
1996-10-10 Audition de requête en autorisation d'intervention, 1996-10-10, - the applicants may file a 20 page factum and are granted 15 minutes for oral argument, Ma
1996-10-10 Présentation de requête en autorisation d'intervention, 1996-10-10, - the applicants may file a 20 page factum and are granted 15 minutes for oral argument, Ma
1996-10-10 Décision sur requête en prorogation de délai, to intervene, Ma
Accordée, aucune ordonnance relative aux dépens
1996-10-10 Audition de requête en prorogation de délai, 1996-10-10, to intervene, Ma
1996-10-10 Présentation de requête en prorogation de délai, 1996-10-10, to intervene, Ma
1996-10-10 Décision sur requête en autorisation d'intervention, the applicant may file a 20 page factum and is granted 15 minutes for oral argument, Ma
Accordée, aucune ordonnance relative aux dépens
1996-10-10 Audition de requête en autorisation d'intervention, 1996-10-10, the applicant may file a 20 page factum and is granted 15 minutes for oral argument, Ma
1996-10-10 Présentation de requête en autorisation d'intervention, 1996-10-10, the applicant may file a 20 page factum and is granted 15 minutes for oral argument, Ma
1996-10-10 Décision sur requête en autorisation d'intervention, and may file a twenty page factum and is granted fifteen minutes for oral argument, Ma
Accordée, aucune ordonnance relative aux dépens
1996-10-10 Audition de requête en autorisation d'intervention, 1996-10-10, and may file a twenty page factum and is granted fifteen minutes for oral argument, Ma
1996-10-10 Présentation de requête en autorisation d'intervention, 1996-10-10, and may file a twenty page factum and is granted fifteen minutes for oral argument, Ma
1996-10-10 Décision sur requête en prorogation de délai, to intervene, Ma
Accordée, aucune ordonnance relative aux dépens
1996-10-10 Audition de requête en prorogation de délai, 1996-10-10, to intervene, Ma
1996-10-10 Présentation de requête en prorogation de délai, 1996-10-10, to intervene, Ma
1996-10-10 Décision sur requête en autorisation d'intervention, - applicants may file a 20 page factum and are granted 15 minutes for joint oral submissions heard with I05 I06 I07 I08 I09 I10 I11 I12 I13, Ma
Accordée, aucune ordonnance relative aux dépens
1996-10-10 Audition de requête en autorisation d'intervention, 1996-10-10, - applicants may file a 20 page factum and are granted 15 minutes for joint oral submissions heard with I05 I06 I07 I08 I09 I10 I11 I12 I13, Ma
1996-10-10 Présentation de requête en autorisation d'intervention, 1996-10-10, - applicants may file a 20 page factum and are granted 15 minutes for joint oral submissions heard with I05 I06 I07 I08 I09 I10 I11 I12 I13, Ma
1996-10-10 Correspondance (envoyée par la Cour) à, from Graham Garton, letter dated Oct. 9, 1996 (fax copy) re: at the filing schedule, the item 1(g) should provide for filing on or before May 23, 1997; also, do not agree that the apppellants should be permitted to file factum of 100 pages
1996-10-10 Réponse à requête diverse, of Rush, Crane (letter form) (fax copy) (misc. motion filed by M. Storrow), complété le : 1996-10-10 Gisday Wa, a.k.a. Alfred Joseph, suing on his own behalf and on behalf of all the members of the Hou
1996-10-10 Correspondance (envoyée par la Cour) à, from Marvin Storrow to A. Roland, letter dated Oct. 10, 1996 (fax copy) re: proposed schedule, change of solicitor, factum of up to 100 pages in length
1996-10-09 Correspondance (envoyée par la Cour) à, (by fax) from J.J. Arvay; re: deadlines, scheduling and factum limits motion filed by Wet'suwet'en Hereditary Chiefs
1996-10-09 Affidavit, (by fax) fixing dates for filing of factum; Murray Adams, with service Delgamuukw, a.k.a. Earl Muldoe, suing on his own behalf and on behalf of all the members of the House
1996-10-09 Avis de requête diverse, (by fax) fixing dates for filing of factums, with service, complété le : 1996-10-09 Delgamuukw, a.k.a. Earl Muldoe, suing on his own behalf and on behalf of all the members of the House
1996-10-04 Affidavit, of Joanne R. Lysyk AMENDED AFFIDAVIT FILED OCT. 9/96, with service Delgamuukw, a.k.a. Earl Muldoe, suing on his own behalf and on behalf of all the members of the House
1996-10-04 Avis de requête diverse, (extended appellants' factum to Nov. 30, 1996, filing deadlines be adjusted, page limit for the appellants' factum be extended to 100 pages) ($50.00 requested), with service, complété le : 1996-10-04 Gisday Wa, a.k.a. Alfred Joseph, suing on his own behalf and on behalf of all the members of the Hou
1996-09-27 Correspondance (envoyée par la Cour) à, (by fax) from Marvin R.V. Storrow; re: must oppose the intervention of Westbank First Nation
1996-09-27 Correspondance (envoyée par la Cour) à, (by fax) from Stuart Rush; re: oppose the intervener (Westbak First Nation) being given status to argue that issues selected by the parties for consideration should not be decided by the Court
1996-09-23 Correspondance (envoyée par la Cour) à, (by fax) from Marvin R.V. Storrow; re: Gitskan and the Wet'suwet'en are separate and distinct First Nations
1996-09-20 Divers, Memorandum of argument in response to the application of the MUSQUEAM NATION SUMMIT for leave to intervene, with service Sa Majesté la reine du chef de la Colombie-Britannique
1996-09-20 Divers, Memorandum of argument in response to the application of the WESTBANK FIRST NATION for leave to intervene, with service Sa Majesté la reine du chef de la Colombie-Britannique
1996-09-18 Correspondance (envoyée par la Cour) à, from Joseph Arvay to A. Roland, letter dated Sept. 18, 1996 (fax copy) re: requesting direction as to whether the Province needs to bring an application to strike the notice of change of solicitor
1996-09-18 Réponse à requête en autorisation d'intervention, by Westbank First Nation (fax copy); but A.G. Canada opposes the application to intervene by God,m J. R. Sterritt) (letter form), complété le : 1996-09-18 Procureur général du Canada
1996-09-18 Divers, 24 copies of [1991] 3 WWR (Trial Court) and 24 copies of [1993] 5 WWR (Court of Appeal) (SEE ORDER OF AUGUST 28/96) Delgamuukw, a.k.a. Earl Muldoe, suing on his own behalf and on behalf of all the members of the House
1996-09-16 50 $ frais de dépôt pour avis de requête, for leave to intervene receipt #32590 Westbank First Nation
1996-09-16 Correspondance (envoyée par la Cour) à, from God Sterritt to A. Roland (fax copy) - 3 letters
1996-09-16 Affidavit, of Elizabeth Jane Woodward (book form), with service Westbank First Nation
1996-09-16 Requête en prorogation de délai, to file the intervener's motion (joint), with service, complété le : 1996-09-16 Westbank First Nation
1996-09-16 Requête en autorisation d'intervention, 3 copies (book form) $50.00 requested, with service, complété le : 1996-09-16 Westbank First Nation
1996-09-13 Correspondance (envoyée par la Cour) à, from Sterritt to A. Roland (fax copy) re: interventions
1996-09-13 Dossier conjoint, 23 copies of BOOK OF PLEADINGS AND ORDERS (see order dated August 28, 1996) - Delgamuukw, a.k.a. Earl Muldoe, suing on his own behalf and on behalf of all the members of the House
1996-09-13 Correspondance (envoyée par la Cour) à, from Marvin Storrow to A. Roland, letter dated Sept. 13, 1996 (fax copy) re: are against any intervenor
1996-09-12 Correspondance (envoyée par la Cour) à, (by fax) dated Sept. 12/96 from Stuart Rush with his position with respect of each of applications to intervene
1996-09-12 Avis de changement de procureur, From Stuart Rush, Q.C. to Marvin R.V. Storrow,Q.C. AND FOR APPELLANTS A02,A07,A10 and A38 to A45 and A51 Gisday Wa, a.k.a. Alfred Joseph, suing on his own behalf and on behalf of all the members of the Hou
1996-09-12 Divers, 4 copies (bookform) of ARGUMENT IN SUPPORT of application for intervener status (for I14 to I24), with service All other members of the Musqueam Indian Band
1996-09-11 Correspondance (envoyée par la Cour) à, (by fax) from P. Geoffrey Plant; re: judgments has a bearing on the issues which we raise in the intervention
1996-09-10 Ordonnance sur requête en dispense d'impression
1996-09-09 Divers, 1 copy by fax of "Summation" God in the Person of James Russell Sterrit
1996-09-09 Affidavit, of God, in James Russell Sterritt in support of the intervention (1 copy by fax) God in the Person of James Russell Sterrit
1996-09-06 Affidavit, SUPPLEMENTARY AFFIDAVIT OF KENNETH SUMANIK OF THE APPLICANT, B.C. CATTLEMEN`S ASS. - book form 1 copy, with service B.C. Cattlemen's Association
1996-08-28 Réponse à requête en dispense d'impression, (letterform), complété le : 1996-08-28 Procureur général du Canada
1996-08-28 Décision sur requête en dispense d'impression, DeRg, - The Case on Appeal shall consist of the following: 1. Electronic copy of the transcripts of evidence at trail; 2. 24 copies of a book of pleadings and orders; 3. 24 copies of [1991] 3 WWR which contains the trial court; 4. 24 copies of [1993] 5 WWR which contains the Court of Appeal and 5. Reference book to be filed by each party consisting of relevant pages of the transcript and exhibits
Accordée, aucune ordonnance relative aux dépens
1996-08-28 Audition de requête en dispense d'impression, 1996-08-28, DeRg
1996-08-28 Présentation de requête en dispense d'impression, 1996-08-28, DeRg
1996-08-23 Réponse à requête en dispense d'impression, (letterform), complété le : 1996-08-23 Sa Majesté la reine du chef de la Colombie-Britannique
1996-08-23 Affidavit, (of Peter Grant) Delgamuukw, a.k.a. Earl Muldoe, suing on his own behalf and on behalf of all the members of the House
1996-08-23 Requête en dispense d'impression, to form the record consisting of the following: 1) Electronic copy of the transcripts of evidence at Trial; 2) 24 copies of a book of pleadings and orders; 3) 24 copies of [1991] 3 WWR which contains the trial court; 4) 24 copies of [1993] 5 WWR which con, complété le : 1996-08-23 Delgamuukw, a.k.a. Earl Muldoe, suing on his own behalf and on behalf of all the members of the House
1996-04-29 Divers, 1 copy of response to the intervention of GOD, with service Sa Majesté la reine du chef de la Colombie-Britannique
1996-04-12 Divers, 3 copies of reply to The Queen of B.C.'s response to the intervention Alcan Aluminium Limitée
1996-04-02 Décision sur requête diverse, JC, - 1. The deadlines for filing set by my Order of August 29/95 are extended as follows: a) all applications to intervene are to be heard on Sept. 16/96. b) the case on appeal shall be filed on or before Sept 16/96. c) the appellants' factum shall be filed on or before Oct 30/96. d) the facta of the respondents in response to the appellants' factum on the main appeal and the province's factum on the cross-appeal shall be filed on or before Feb 28/97. e) the appellants' factum in response to that of the province on the cross-appeal shall be filed on or before Apr. 15/97. f) the facta of the intervenors supporting the appellants' shall be filed on or before Mar 31/97. g) the facta of the intervenors in support of the respondents' shall be filed on or before Apr 30/97. h) the hearing of this appeal shall take place from June 9th to 13th, 1997. 2. All other applications in respect of this appeal, including those relating to the right to file, and the deadlines for filing reply facta are hereby referred to Justice Major for disposition
Accordée, aucune ordonnance relative aux dépens
1996-04-02 Audition de requête diverse, 1996-04-02, JC
1996-04-02 Présentation de requête diverse, 1996-04-02, JC
1996-03-29 Correspondance (envoyée par la Cour) à, of David M. Rosenberg (Rosenberg & Rosenberg) dated March 22/95 to inform the Court that the appeal "NTC Smokehouse v. R." #23800 should not be delayed pending the conclusion in Delgamuukw
1996-03-26 Correspondance (envoyée par la Cour) à, dated March 22/96 from S. David Frankel, Q.C. re: judgment in fishing appeals should not be delayed
1996-03-26 Correspondance (envoyée par la Cour) à, (by fax) dated March 26/96 from P. Geoffrey Plant (Russell & Dumoulin) to respond to the appellants' submission that Repap should not be permitted to argue the pre-confederation extinguishment in B.C. of Aboriginal rights
1996-03-25 Affidavit, SUPPLEMENTARY of Mas Gaak Delgamuukw, a.k.a. Earl Muldoe, suing on his own behalf and on behalf of all the members of the House
1996-03-21 Divers, to note the memorandum of argument in response to First Nations Summit's application to intervene (bookform), with service Sa Majesté la reine du chef de la Colombie-Britannique
1996-03-18 Affidavit, supplementary of Mas Gaak re: re-scheduling of the appeal Delgamuukw, a.k.a. Earl Muldoe, suing on his own behalf and on behalf of all the members of the House
1996-03-18 Divers, to note 3 copies of Memorandum of Argument in reply to the applications for leave to intervene by Alcan Aluminium Limited and Repap Enterprises Inc. (bookform), with service Delgamuukw, a.k.a. Earl Muldoe, suing on his own behalf and on behalf of all the members of the House
1996-03-15 Réponse à requête en autorisation d'intervention, (CONDITIONAL) with regard to the five applications (letterform signed by Graham Garton), complété le : 1996-03-15 Procureur général du Canada
1996-03-15 Correspondance (envoyée par la Cour) à, (by fax) of Maria Morellato (Blake, Cassels) re: decision in "R. v. Gladstone" #23801 should not be deferred pending the conclusion of Delgamuukw
1996-03-14 Décision sur requête en radiation, JC LaF So G Ia, - The motion to strike Notice of Change of Counsel is granted. There shall be a stay of proceedings for ten days in order that the respondent may elect to sever himself from the appeal. Should the respondent fail to sever himself within these ten days, the Court will re-instate counsel for the co-plaintiffs as counsel of record for the respondent
Accordée, aucune ordonnance relative aux dépens
1996-03-14 Audition de requête en radiation, 1996-03-14, JC LaF So G Ia
1996-03-14 Présentation de requête en radiation, 1996-03-14, JC LaF So G Ia
1996-03-14 Audition de requête en radiation, 1996-03-14
Décision en délibéré
1996-03-14 Présentation de requête en radiation, 1996-03-14
Décision en délibéré
1996-03-14 Correspondance (envoyée par la Cour) à, of Harry A. Slade (Ratcliff & Company) re:decision in "Lewis v. R." #23802 should not be deferred pending the conclusion of Delgamuukw (ORIGINAL filed March 19/96)
1996-03-14 Correspondance (envoyée par la Cour) à, (by fax) of Stuart Rush (Rush, Crane) dated March 13/96 re: premature to proceed with the application by Repap Enterprises to intervene in the appeal (ORIGINAL filed March 19/96)
1996-03-14 Correspondance (envoyée par la Cour) à, (by fax) of Stuart Rush (Rush Crane) dated March 13/96 re: order extenting the deadlines (ORIGINAL filed March 19/96)
1996-03-14 Correspondance (envoyée par la Cour) à, (by fax) dated March 14/96 by P. Geoffrey Plant in in response to the memorandum of argument of the Province of British Columbia and to the letter from counsel for Dalgamuukw (ORIGINAL filed March 19/96)
1996-03-14 Correspondance (envoyée par la Cour) à, of Louise Mandell counsel in "R. v. Van der Peet" #23803 re: the Court should not defer the decision in her case (by fax dated March 14/96)
1996-03-13 Affidavit, of Angus Robertson (IN SUPPORT OF THE MEMORANDUM OF RESPONDENT IN RESPONSE TO THE APPELLANT'S MOTION TO EXTEND THE DEADLINES SET BY CJ - book form), with service Sa Majesté la reine du chef de la Colombie-Britannique
1996-03-13 Divers, 1 copy of RESPONSE TO THE APPLICATION TO INTERVENE BY B.C. CATTLEMEN'S ASS. - book form, with service Sa Majesté la reine du chef de la Colombie-Britannique
1996-03-13 Divers, 1 copy of RESPONSE TO THE APPLICATION TO INTERVENE BY ALCAN ALUMINIUM LIMITED - book form, with service Sa Majesté la reine du chef de la Colombie-Britannique
1996-03-13 Divers, 1 copy of RESPONSE TO THE APPLICATION TO INTERVENE BY REPAP ENTERPRISES INC. - book form, with service Sa Majesté la reine du chef de la Colombie-Britannique
1996-03-13 Divers, 1 copy of RESPONSE TO THE APPELLANT'S MOTION TO EXTEND THE DEADLINES SET BY CJ - book form, with service Sa Majesté la reine du chef de la Colombie-Britannique
1996-03-12 Correspondance (envoyée par la Cour) à, (by fax) of Geoffrey Plant dated March 11/96 re: application for leave to intervene to be heard as scheduled (ORIGINAL filed March 19/96)
1996-03-12 50 $ frais de dépôt pour avis de requête, receipt #31715 First Nations Summit
1996-03-12 Affidavit, 5 copies; Joe Mathias, with service First Nations Summit
1996-03-12 Requête en autorisation d'intervention, 2 copies, with service, complété le : 1996-03-12 First Nations Summit
1996-03-11 Affidavit, (God, in James Russell Sterritt) (1 copy by fax) (10 copies by mail received March 14/96) God in the Person of James Russell Sterrit
1996-03-11 Requête en autorisation d'intervention, (1 copy by fax) (10 copy by mail received March 14/96), complété le : 1996-03-11 God in the Person of James Russell Sterrit
1996-03-08 Correspondance (envoyée par la Cour) à, of Graham Garton, Q.C. dated March 7/96 to consent to the order extending the deadlines with exceptions
1996-03-08 Correspondance (envoyée par la Cour) à, of Jennifer Mackinnon (Burke-Robertson) to advise that Brenda Edwards will file her reply by wednesday March 13/96
1996-03-04 Affidavit, for an order extending the deadlines set by CJ of Aug. 29/95 for a further six months; Mas Gaak, with service Delgamuukw, a.k.a. Earl Muldoe, suing on his own behalf and on behalf of all the members of the House
1996-03-04 Avis de requête diverse, for an Order extending the deadlines set by CJ of Aug. 29/95 for a further six months 2 copies, with service, complété le : 1996-03-04 Delgamuukw, a.k.a. Earl Muldoe, suing on his own behalf and on behalf of all the members of the House
1996-03-04 50 $ frais de dépôt pour avis de requête, receipt #31672 Delgamuukw, a.k.a. Earl Muldoe, suing on his own behalf and on behalf of all the members of the House
1996-02-29 Avis de retrait, With service Assembly of First Nations
1996-02-29 Requête en autorisation d'intervention, AMENDED 2 copies + 2 copies of Affidavit of Derrick Curtis, with service, complété le : 1996-02-29 Skeena Cellulose Inc.
1996-02-20 Correspondance (envoyée par la Cour) à, (by fax) from Joseph J. Arvay; re: schedule for filing of factums
1996-02-15 Correspondance (envoyée par la Cour) à, (by fax) from Brenda L. Edwards; re: advise of int erveners and deadline to file an application to intervene
1996-02-12 Correspondance (envoyée par la Cour) à, (by fax) from P. Geoffrey Plant; re: will file a supplemental affidavit and a revised memorandum of argument for the hearing of the interventions for March 15/96 (original received on Feb. 19/96)
1996-02-07 Avis de changement de procureur, Joseph J. Arvay, Q.C. has been appointed to act as the counsel for the Respondent, Her Majesty the Queen, with service Sa Majesté la reine du chef de la Colombie-Britannique
1995-09-18 Correspondance (envoyée par la Cour) à, from Swinton & Co. to A. Roland, letter dated Sept. 18/95 (fax copy) re: notice of change of Counsel filed on behalf of Xsgogimlahxa be struck out, sent to CJ LaF So G I, Oct 5/95
1995-09-14 Divers, transcripts received for the motions of Bruce Clark of Sept. 12/95 and distributed to the justices (38 pages
1995-09-12 Décision sur requête en formulation de question constitutionnelle, JC LaF So G Ia
Rejeté(e), aucune ordonnance relative aux dépens
1995-09-12 Audition de requête en formulation de question constitutionnelle, 1995-09-12, JC LaF So G Ia
1995-09-12 Présentation de requête en formulation de question constitutionnelle, 1995-09-12, JC LaF So G Ia
1995-09-11 Affidavit, of Gisday Wa (Alfred Joseph) sworn Sept. 11/95, with service Gisday Wa, a.k.a. Alfred Joseph, suing on his own behalf and on behalf of all the members of the Hou
1995-09-11 Affidavit, sworn Sept. 11/95 re: affidavit of Gisday Wa (Alfred Joseph), with service Delgamuukw, a.k.a. Earl Muldoe, suing on his own behalf and on behalf of all the members of the House
1995-09-11 Recueil de sources, 6 copies, with service Sa Majesté la reine du chef de la Colombie-Britannique
1995-09-08 Correspondance (envoyée par la Cour) à, (by fax) of Bruce Clark to the Registrar dated september 8/95
1995-09-08 50 $ frais de dépôt pour avis de requête, to strike out receipt #30615 Sa Majesté la reine du chef de la Colombie-Britannique
1995-09-08 Affidavit, of Glen W. Bell re: motion to abridge the time to file the motion - joint with motion to strike out, with service Sa Majesté la reine du chef de la Colombie-Britannique
1995-09-08 Avis de requête diverse, (TO ABRIDGE THE TIME TO FILE THIS MOTION) - joint with motion to strike out, with service Sa Majesté la reine du chef de la Colombie-Britannique
1995-09-08 Affidavit, of Glen W. Bell re: motion to strike out the motion filed on June 28/95 on behalf of Xsgogimlahxa - 5 more copies requested, with service Sa Majesté la reine du chef de la Colombie-Britannique
1995-09-08 Requête en radiation, the motion dated June 28, 1995 filed on behalf of Xsgogimlahxa - 5 more copies requested, with service Sa Majesté la reine du chef de la Colombie-Britannique
1995-09-07 Affidavit, SUPPLEMENTAL OF MARGARET CLARK, with service Xsgogimlaxha, a.k.a. Vernon Milton suing on his own behalf and on behalf of all the members of the H
1995-09-07 Affidavit, OF GLENN W. BELL, with service Sa Majesté la reine du chef de la Colombie-Britannique
1995-09-06 Correspondance (envoyée par la Cour) à, of Bruce Clark to the Registrar dated September 6, 1995 re: EX PARTE motion
1995-09-05 Avis de requête diverse, EX PARTE motion for an interim injunction Xsgogimlaxha, a.k.a. Vernon Milton suing on his own behalf and on behalf of all the members of the H
1995-08-29 Ordonnance sur requête en prorogation de délai, re: deadlines set by the CJ dated July 11/94
1995-08-28 Décision sur requête en prorogation de délai, JC, for (DEADLINES SET BY THE CJ on JULY 11/94) it is ordered: 1. that applications to intervene are to be heard on March 15/96; 2. that the appeal case be filed by March 15/96; 3. that the appellants' factum be filed by April 30/96; 4. that the Provinces' factum on cross-appeal be filed by July 31/96; 5. that all other filing deadlines be spoken to and settled by the Court at a later date
Accordée, aucune ordonnance relative aux dépens
1995-08-28 Audition de requête en prorogation de délai, 1995-08-28, JC
1995-08-28 Présentation de requête en prorogation de délai, 1995-08-28, JC
1995-08-28 Correspondance (envoyée par la Cour) à, from David Frankel to B. Clark, letter dated Aug. 24, 1995 re: will oppose to the motion to state constitutional questions filed on June 28, 1995
1995-08-17 Correspondance (envoyée par la Cour) à, (by fax) from V. Jennifer Mackinnon; re: intends to oppose the application of Xsgogimlahxa (original filed Aug. 21/95)
1995-08-15 Réponse à requête en prorogation de délai, of David Frankel re: motion for an order extending the deadlines set by the Order of CJ by 6 months (fax copy) Procureur général du Canada
1995-08-15 50 $ frais de dépôt pour avis de requête, receipt no. 30540 Delgamuukw, a.k.a. Earl Muldoe, suing on his own behalf and on behalf of all the members of the House
1995-08-15 Affidavit, of Glen W. Bell (re: motion to extend the time for an order extending the deadlines set by CJ by 6 months) - fax copy Delgamuukw, a.k.a. Earl Muldoe, suing on his own behalf and on behalf of all the members of the House
1995-08-15 Requête en prorogation de délai, FOR AN ORDER EXTENDING THE DEADLINES SET BY CJ BY 6 MONTHS (FAX COPY) Delgamuukw, a.k.a. Earl Muldoe, suing on his own behalf and on behalf of all the members of the House
1995-08-02 Correspondance (envoyée par la Cour) à, from Bruce Clark to B. Williams, Counsel for the A.G.B.C., letter dated July 29/95 re: has no objection to the proposed adjournment
1995-08-01 Correspondance (envoyée par la Cour) à, from Swinton & Co. to A. Roland, letter dated July 28, 1995 re: will apply for an extension of an adjournment by a 6 month period
1995-06-28 Requête en formulation de question constitutionnelle, 2 copies, with service Xsgogimlaxha, a.k.a. Vernon Milton suing on his own behalf and on behalf of all the members of the H
1995-06-28 50 $ frais de dépôt pour avis de requête, receipt #30378 Xsgogimlaxha, a.k.a. Vernon Milton suing on his own behalf and on behalf of all the members of the H
1995-06-28 Avis de changement de procureur, to appoint Bruce Clark as counsel in place of Stuart Rush, Q.C., with service Xsgogimlaxha, a.k.a. Vernon Milton suing on his own behalf and on behalf of all the members of the H
1994-07-13 Ordonnance sur demande de directives, (see hearing dated July 11/94)
1994-07-11 Décision sur demande de directives, for fixing Sept 15/95 for the hearing of all intervention; fixing Sept 15/95 for the filing of the appeal case; fixing Oct. 31/95 for the filing of the appellants factum; fixing Jan 31/96 for the filing of the Province's factum on cross-appeal., JC
Accordée, aucune ordonnance relative aux dépens
1994-07-11 Audition de demande de directives, 1994-07-11, for fixing Sept 15/95 for the hearing of all intervention; fixing Sept 15/95 for the filing of the appeal case; fixing Oct. 31/95 for the filing of the appellants factum; fixing Jan 31/96 for the filing of the Province's factum on cross-appeal., JC
1994-07-11 Présentation de demande de directives, 1994-07-11, for fixing Sept 15/95 for the hearing of all intervention; fixing Sept 15/95 for the filing of the appeal case; fixing Oct. 31/95 for the filing of the appellants factum; fixing Jan 31/96 for the filing of the Province's factum on cross-appeal., JC
1994-07-08 Affidavit, Stuart Rush Delgamuukw, a.k.a. Earl Muldoe, suing on his own behalf and on behalf of all the members of the House
1994-07-08 Demande de directives, for fixing sept. 15/95 for the hearing of all intervention; fixing sept. 15/95 for filing the Case on appeal; fixing oct. 31/95 for the filing of appellants factum; fixing Jan. 31/96 for the filing of the Province's factum on cross appeal (joint with the Delgamuukw, a.k.a. Earl Muldoe, suing on his own behalf and on behalf of all the members of the House
1994-06-29 Affidavit, to file the motion to intervene to June 29, 1994 by Chief George et al - 1 copy (Maria Morellato), with service George Guerin
1994-06-29 Affidavit, of Maria A Morellato (joint with Delbert Guerin et al) - 1 copy, with service George Guerin
1994-06-29 Requête en prorogation de délai, to file the motion to intervene (joint with Delbert Guerin et al) to June 29, 1994 - 1 copy, with service George Guerin
1994-06-29 Requête en autorisation d'intervention, (1 copy) (joint with Delbert Guerin et al), with service George Guerin
1994-06-21 Correspondance (envoyée par la Cour) à, from Russel & DuMoulin to A. Roland re: requesting that we notify to them of any application or request for an adjournement of this appeal (fax copy)(original filed June 27/94)
1994-06-07 Divers, to note "OUTLINE OF SUBMISSIONS" (bookform) 2 copies, with service B.C. Cattlemen's Association
1994-06-07 Affidavit, (of Kenneth Sumanik, sworn June 5/94) (bookform), with service B.C. Cattlemen's Association
1994-06-07 Affidavit, (of Kenneth Sumanik, sworn June 6/94), with service B.C. Cattlemen's Association
1994-06-07 Requête en autorisation d'intervention, With service B.C. Cattlemen's Association
1994-06-07 Divers, to note 2 copies of ARGUMENTS FOR LEAVE TO INTERVENE, with service Skeena Cellulose Inc.
1994-06-07 Affidavit, (of Terry W. McBride) 2 copies, with service Skeena Cellulose Inc.
1994-06-07 Requête en autorisation d'intervention, 2 copies (AMENDED filed on Feb. 29/96), with service Skeena Cellulose Inc.
1994-06-07 Affidavit, (of Ovide Mercredi) 2 copies, with service Assembly of First Nations
1994-06-07 Requête en autorisation d'intervention, 2 copies, with service Assembly of First Nations
1994-06-01 Correspondance (envoyée par la Cour) à, (by fax) from Shibley Righton; re: will seek intervention by Lesser Slave Lake Indian Regional Council
1994-05-26 Correspondance (envoyée par la Cour) à, sent to S. David Frankel (Vancouver, BC) from McLachlin J. re: interlocutory matters
1994-05-26 Correspondance (envoyée par la Cour) à, sent to Swinton & Company (Vancouver, BC) from McLachlin J. re: interlocutory matters
1994-05-26 Correspondance (envoyée par la Cour) à, sent to Rush, Crane, Guenther & Adams (Vancouver, BC) from McLachlin J. re: interlocutory matters
1994-05-16 Demande de directives, for an order fixing a date and duration of hearing ; settling various filing dates; fixing a date for the interventions; and leave to the appellants and respondents to file reply factums; 2 copies, with service Delgamuukw, a.k.a. Earl Muldoe, suing on his own behalf and on behalf of all the members of the House
1994-05-04 Preuve de signification, of Notice of intention to intervene
1994-04-15 Correspondance (envoyée par la Cour) à, from Bryan Williams re: l. does not oppose the application of Alcan Aluminiun to intervene and 2. RE: issue by Alcan on the constitutional validity of the Industrial Development Act (fax copy)
1994-04-14 Ordonnance accordant l'autorisation d'appeler
1994-04-13 Avis d'appel incident, With service Sa Majesté la reine du chef de la Colombie-Britannique
1994-04-08 Avis d'appel, (1 copy), with service Delgamuukw, a.k.a. Earl Muldoe, suing on his own behalf and on behalf of all the members of the House
1994-03-11 Avis de dépôt de jugement envoyé à toutes les parties, A.G. of Canada (Ottawa, ON)
1994-03-11 Avis de dépôt de jugement envoyé à toutes les parties, Gowling, Strathy & Henderson (Ottawa, ON)
1994-03-11 Avis de dépôt de jugement envoyé à toutes les parties, Burke-Robertson (Ottawa, ON)
1994-03-10 Jugement de la Cour sur demande d'autorisation d'appel, JC Co Ia, Les demandes d'autorisation d'appel et d'appel-incident sont accordées. (revisé le 15 mars 1994)
Accordée, aucune ordonnance relative aux dépens
1994-02-22 Correspondance provenant de, from Glen W. Bell re: response of the Attorney General of British Columbia to the submissions made by counsel on behalf of the applicants in correspondence to the Court dated Jan. 28 and Feb. 17, 1994 (LETTER FORM - sent to CJ Co Ma, Feb 24/94 (fax copy) Sa Majesté la reine du chef de la Colombie-Britannique
1994-02-21 Correspondance provenant de, from Stuart Rush re: letter dated Feb 17, 1994 - his letter dated Jan. 28, 1994 to be considered as the submission of the applicants with respect to the motion and the filing of the new material (fax copy) sent to CJ Co Ma, Feb. 22/94 Delgamuukw, a.k.a. Earl Muldoe, suing on his own behalf and on behalf of all the members of the House
1994-02-21 Preuve de signification, of the notice of motion to intervene (Alcan Aluminium Ltd.)
1994-02-17 Correspondance provenant de, (by fax) from S. David Frankel, Q.C. addressed to Swinton & Company; re: takes no position to the motion concerning the affidavit of Mark Krasnick Procureur général du Canada
1994-02-15 Affidavit, for an order that the Affidavit of Mark Krasnick be part of the leave application; 5 copies; Elizabeth Argall, with service Sa Majesté la reine du chef de la Colombie-Britannique
1994-02-15 Avis de requête diverse, for an Order that the Affidavit of Mark Krasnick be part of the leave application; 5 copies, with service Sa Majesté la reine du chef de la Colombie-Britannique
1994-02-10 Divers, to note 2 copies of "OUTLINE OF SUBMISSIONS"... for leave to intervene only, with service Alcan Aluminium Limitée
1994-02-10 Recueil de sources, 2 copies (for leave to intervene only), with service Alcan Aluminium Limitée
1994-02-10 Affidavit, of Chris W. Sanderson (1 original) (plus 2 copies included in binders), with service Alcan Aluminium Limitée
1994-02-10 Affidavit, of William Rich (1 original) (plus 2 copies included in binders), with service Alcan Aluminium Limitée
1994-02-10 Affidavit, of Cecilia A. Low (1 original) (plus 2 copies included in the binders), with service Alcan Aluminium Limitée
1994-02-10 Requête en autorisation d'intervention, 2 copies (binder) FILED BEFORE THE APPLICATION WAS GRANTED ON MARCH 10/94, with service Alcan Aluminium Limitée
1994-01-31 Correspondance provenant de, (by fax) from Stuart Rush, Q.C.; re: object to the filing of the affidavit of Mark Krasnick (original filed on Feb. 4/94) sent to CJ Co Ma, Feb 2/94 Delgamuukw, a.k.a. Earl Muldoe, suing on his own behalf and on behalf of all the members of the House
1994-01-27 Affidavit, of Mark Krasnick, Chief Treaty Negotiator sent to CJ Co I, Jan 31/94, with service Sa Majesté la reine du chef de la Colombie-Britannique
1994-01-27 Envoi aux juges des documents de la demande d'autorisation, JC Co Ia
1994-01-26 Preuve de signification, of the reply on the cross-appeal
1994-01-25 Divers, (REPLY TO THE RESPONSE TO THE APPLICATION FOR LEAVE TO CROSS-APPEAL), with service Sa Majesté la reine du chef de la Colombie-Britannique
1994-01-18 Mémoire en réponse à la demande d'autorisation d'appel incident, 5 copies (RESPONSE OF THE APPLICANTS TO THE APPLICATION FOR LEAVE TO CROSS-APPEAL), with service Delgamuukw, a.k.a. Earl Muldoe, suing on his own behalf and on behalf of all the members of the House
1994-01-18 Réplique du demandeur au mémoire de l'intimé(e), 5 copies (see order dated Jan. 13,1994), with service Delgamuukw, a.k.a. Earl Muldoe, suing on his own behalf and on behalf of all the members of the House
1994-01-13 Ordonnance sur requête en prorogation de délai, to file a reply to Jan 18/94
1994-01-13 Décision sur requête en prorogation de délai, to file a reply to Jan 18/94, DeRg
Accordée, aucune ordonnance relative aux dépens
1994-01-13 Audition de requête en prorogation de délai, 1994-01-13, to file a reply to Jan 18/94, DeRg
1994-01-13 Présentation de requête en prorogation de délai, 1994-01-13, to file a reply to Jan 18/94, DeRg
1994-01-10 Ordonnance sur requête en prorogation de délai, to serve and file application for leave to cross-appeal to Dec 31/93
1994-01-07 Réponse à requête en prorogation de délai, to file a reply (S. David Frankel) 1 copy Procureur général du Canada
1994-01-07 Réponse à requête en prorogation de délai, to file a reply (Swinton & Co.) 1 copy Sa Majesté la reine du chef de la Colombie-Britannique
1994-01-07 Affidavit, to file a reply (E. V. Bemmel) 1 copy Delgamuukw, a.k.a. Earl Muldoe, suing on his own behalf and on behalf of all the members of the House
1994-01-07 Requête en prorogation de délai, to file a reply to Jan. 18, 1994 (1 copy) Delgamuukw, a.k.a. Earl Muldoe, suing on his own behalf and on behalf of all the members of the House
1993-12-31 Réponse de l'intimé(e) à demande d'autorisation d'appel, 5 copies (see order of Dec. 1/93), with service Sa Majesté la reine du chef de la Colombie-Britannique
1993-12-31 Demande d'autorisation d'appel incident, 5 copies (see motion granted on Dec. 1/93), with service Sa Majesté la reine du chef de la Colombie-Britannique
1993-12-23 Correspondance provenant de, from S. David Frankel re: no intention to file a respondent's memorandum (TO BE SENT WITH THE APPLICATION FOR LEAVE TO APPEAL) Procureur général du Canada
1993-12-08 Réponse à requête en prorogation de délai, to file the respondent's application for leave to cross-appeal to Dec. 31/93 Delgamuukw, a.k.a. Earl Muldoe, suing on his own behalf and on behalf of all the members of the House
1993-12-08 Décision sur requête en prorogation de délai, to file application for leave to cross-appeal to Dec 31/93, with service, Reg
Accordée, aucune ordonnance relative aux dépens
1993-12-08 Audition de requête en prorogation de délai, 1993-12-08, to file application for leave to cross-appeal to Dec 31/93, with service, Reg
1993-12-08 Présentation de requête en prorogation de délai, 1993-12-08, to file application for leave to cross-appeal to Dec 31/93, with service, Reg
1993-12-02 Affidavit, for the filing of an application for leave to cross-appeal; Bryan Williams, Q.C., with service Sa Majesté la reine du chef de la Colombie-Britannique
1993-12-02 Requête en prorogation de délai, for the filing of an application for leave to cross-appeal to Dec. 31/93, with service Sa Majesté la reine du chef de la Colombie-Britannique
1993-12-01 Ordonnance sur requête en prorogation de délai, to file a response to Dec 31/93
1993-11-23 Ordonnance sur requête en prorogation de délai, to file its factum to Dec 31/93
1993-11-19 Décision sur requête en prorogation de délai, to serve and file a response to Dec 31/93, Reg
Accordée, aucune ordonnance relative aux dépens
1993-11-19 Audition de requête en prorogation de délai, 1993-11-19, to serve and file a response to Dec 31/93, Reg
1993-11-19 Présentation de requête en prorogation de délai, 1993-11-19, to serve and file a response to Dec 31/93, Reg
1993-11-19 Décision sur requête en prorogation de délai, to serve and file a response to Dec 31/93, Reg
Accordée, aucune ordonnance relative aux dépens
1993-11-19 Audition de requête en prorogation de délai, 1993-11-19, to serve and file a response to Dec 31/93, Reg
1993-11-19 Présentation de requête en prorogation de délai, 1993-11-19, to serve and file a response to Dec 31/93, Reg
1993-11-16 Affidavit, to file a response to Dec.31/93, with service Procureur général du Canada
1993-11-16 Requête en prorogation de délai, to response to Dec.31/93, with service Procureur général du Canada
1993-11-12 Divers, 5 copies of formal order and reasons of C.A. (TO BE SENT WITH THE APPLICATIONS FOR LEAVE TO APPEAL - JOINT WITH 23800-801-802-803-804) Delgamuukw, a.k.a. Earl Muldoe, suing on his own behalf and on behalf of all the members of the House
1993-11-08 Affidavit, to file the response to Dec. 31/93; Mari A. Worfolk, with service Sa Majesté la reine du chef de la Colombie-Britannique
1993-11-08 Requête en prorogation de délai, to file the response to Dec. 31/93, with service Sa Majesté la reine du chef de la Colombie-Britannique
1993-11-04 Divers, TO BE REFERED WITH 23800-23801-23802-23803-23804
1993-10-25 Divers, 5 copies (Western Weekly Reports [1991] W.W.R. Vol. 3) Delgamuukw, a.k.a. Earl Muldoe, suing on his own behalf and on behalf of all the members of the House
1993-10-25 Divers, 5 copies of Reasons for Judgment (blue book) Delgamuukw, a.k.a. Earl Muldoe, suing on his own behalf and on behalf of all the members of the House
1993-10-25 30 $ frais de dépôt, receipt #27746 Delgamuukw, a.k.a. Earl Muldoe, suing on his own behalf and on behalf of all the members of the House
1993-10-25 Demande d'autorisation d'appel, 5 copies (missing trial and appeal court Orders), with service, complété le : 1994-01-25 Delgamuukw, a.k.a. Earl Muldoe, suing on his own behalf and on behalf of all the members of the House
