

Terence Lawrence Caslake v. Her Majesty the Queen

(Manitoba) (Criminal) (By Leave)

Judgments on applications for leave to appeal are rendered by the Court, but are not necessarily unanimous.

Date Proceeding Filed By
(if applicable)
1998-03-06 Appeal closed
1998-03-05 Record returned to the Registrar of the Court of Appeal, (1 env. and 2 folders)
1998-02-10 Copy of formal judgment being prepared, all parties
1998-02-09 Formal judgment sent to the registrar of the court of appeal and all parties, Manitoba (Winnipeg)
1998-01-23 Notice of deposit of judgment sent to all parties, all parties
1998-01-22 Judgment on the appeal rendered, CJ L'HD G Co McL Ma Ba, The appeal is dismissed.
Dismissed, no order as to costs
1997-11-19 General proceeding, transcripts received and distributed to the judges (95 pages)
1997-11-10 Hearing of the appeal, 1997-11-10, CJ L'HD G Co McL Ma Ba
Decision reserved
1997-11-05 Correspondence (sent by the Court) to, from Gowling (duration of argument)
1997-11-05 Notice of appearance, of David G. Frayer, Q.C. and Clyde R. Bond; Mr. Frayer will take 1 hour for submission Her Majesty the Queen
1997-10-21 Book of authorities, 10 copies, with service, Completed on: 1997-10-21 Attorney General of New Brunswick
1997-10-21 Proof of service, of authorities on A.G. Québec
1997-10-20 Notice of appearance, (Gilles Laporte et Maurice Galarneau) Attorney General of Quebec
1997-10-20 Book of authorities, 10 copies, with service, Completed on: 1997-10-20 Attorney General of British Columbia
1997-10-17 Response to motion to extend time, to file the A.G.B.C.'s factum to Oct. 16\97, Completed on: 1997-10-17 Her Majesty the Queen
1997-10-17 Order on motion to extend time, to file their factum
1997-10-17 Decision on motion to extend time, to file their factum to Oct. 16/97, Reg
Granted, no order as to costs
1997-10-17 Hearing of motion to extend time, 1997-10-17, to file their factum to Oct. 16/97, Reg
1997-10-17 Submission of motion to extend time, 1997-10-17, to file their factum to Oct. 16/97, Reg
1997-10-16 $50.00 filing fee for notice of motion, to extend time receipt #34949 Attorney General of British Columbia
1997-10-16 Response to motion to extend time, to file the A.G.B.C. factum to Oct. 16/97, Completed on: 1997-10-16 Terence Lawrence Caslake
1997-10-16 Affidavit, to file the intervener's factum to Oct. 16/97 (of Gregory J. Fitch), with service Attorney General of British Columbia
1997-10-16 Motion to extend time, to file the intervener's factum to Oct. 16/97, with service, Completed on: 1997-10-16 Attorney General of British Columbia
1997-10-16 Intervener's factum, 24 copies, with service, Completed on: 1997-10-16 Attorney General of British Columbia
1997-10-14 Notice of appearance, of Gregory J. Fitch Attorney General of British Columbia
1997-09-26 Proof of service, of book of authorities
1997-09-25 Notice of hearing, With service Terence Lawrence Caslake
1997-09-23 Correspondence (sent by the Court) to, from Jack Watson to M. Larmour, letter dated Sept. 17, 1997 re: will be appearing "by written submission only" at the hearing of the appeal
1997-09-22 Appeal hearing scheduled, 1997-11-10
Decision reserved
1997-09-18 Service, copy of the Book of Authorities
1997-09-17 Book of authorities, 9 copies, Completed on: 1997-09-17 Attorney General of Alberta
1997-09-17 Order on motion to extend time, to file their factum
1997-09-17 Decision on motion to extend time, Requête pour obtenir une ordonnance prorogeant le délai pour déposer leur mémoire au 12 sept./97, Reg
Granted, no order as to costs
1997-09-17 Hearing of motion to extend time, 1997-09-17, Requête pour obtenir une ordonnance prorogeant le délai pour déposer leur mémoire au 12 sept./97, Reg
1997-09-17 Submission of motion to extend time, 1997-09-17, Requête pour obtenir une ordonnance prorogeant le délai pour déposer leur mémoire au 12 sept./97, Reg
1997-09-16 Response to motion to extend time, to file the intervener A.G. Québec's factum to Sept. 12/97, Completed on: 1997-09-16 Her Majesty the Queen
1997-09-15 Response to motion to extend time, to serve and file the A.G. Quebec's factum to Sept. 12\97, Completed on: 1997-09-15 Terence Lawrence Caslake
1997-09-12 Affidavit, to file the intervener factum to Sept. 12/97 (of Gilles Laporte) Attorney General of Quebec
1997-09-12 $50.00 filing fee for notice of motion, to extend time receipt taken from Québec account Attorney General of Quebec
1997-09-12 Motion to extend time, to file the intervener factum to Sept. 12/97, Completed on: 1997-09-12 Attorney General of Quebec
1997-09-12 Intervener's factum, 24 copies, with service, Completed on: 1997-09-12 Attorney General of Quebec
1997-09-11 Order on motion to extend time, to file their factum
1997-09-11 Decision on motion to extend time, to file their factum to Sept. 10/97, DeRg
Granted, no order as to costs
1997-09-11 Hearing of motion to extend time, 1997-09-11, to file their factum to Sept. 10/97, DeRg
1997-09-11 Submission of motion to extend time, 1997-09-11, to file their factum to Sept. 10/97, DeRg
1997-09-10 Response to motion to extend time, to file the A.G. of Nova Scotia factum to Sept. 10 1997, Completed on: 1997-09-10 Terence Lawrence Caslake
1997-09-10 Affidavit, to file the intervener's factum to Sept. 10/97 (of William D. Delaney), with service Attorney General of Nova Scotia
1997-09-10 Motion to extend time, to file the intervener's factum to Sept. 10/97, with service, Completed on: 1997-09-10 Attorney General of Nova Scotia
1997-09-10 Intervener's factum, 24 copies, with service, Completed on: 1997-09-10 Attorney General of Nova Scotia
1997-09-10 Response to motion to extend time, to file the intervener A.G. of Nova Scotia's factum to mid-September, Completed on: 1997-09-10 Her Majesty the Queen
1997-08-28 Book of authorities, 10 copies, with service, Completed on: 1997-08-28 Her Majesty the Queen
1997-08-28 Supplemental document, case on appeal 24 copies, with service Her Majesty the Queen
1997-08-28 Correspondence (sent by the Court) to, from Henry Brown to Registrar, letter dated Aug. 28, 1997 (fax copy) re: counsel WILL NOT BE APPEARING IN PERSON; A.G. Alberta will rest on its written submission only at the hearing of the appeal
1997-08-18 Book of authorities, 10 copies, Completed on: 1997-08-18 Attorney General for Ontario
1997-08-08 Order on motion to strike out, paragraphs 2 to 8 and Part III of the respondent's factum
1997-08-08 Decision on motion to strike out, paragraphs 2 to 8 and Part III of the respondent's factum, G
Dismissed, no order as to costs
1997-08-08 Hearing of motion to strike out, 1997-08-08, paragraphs 2 to 8 and Part III of the respondent's factum, G
1997-08-08 Submission of motion to strike out, 1997-08-08, paragraphs 2 to 8 and Part III of the respondent's factum, G
1997-08-07 Intervener's factum, 24 copies, with service, Completed on: 1997-08-07 Attorney General for Ontario
1997-08-06 Intervener's factum, 24 copies, with service, Completed on: 1997-08-06 Attorney General of Alberta
1997-08-06 Intervener's factum, 24 copies, with service, Completed on: 1997-08-06 Attorney General of New Brunswick
1997-08-05 General proceeding, (letterform from D.N. MacIver) replying to the respondent`s response on the motion to strike Terence Lawrence Caslake
1997-07-29 Affidavit, copy of as filed in the Manitoba Court of Appeal (of Clyde Raymond Bond)(bookform) Her Majesty the Queen
1997-07-29 General proceeding, copy of the notice of motion filed in the Manitoba Court of Appeal re: s.62 (bookform) Her Majesty the Queen
1997-07-29 General proceeding, response to the Appellant's motion to strike paragraphs 2-8 of the Respondent's factum Her Majesty the Queen
1997-07-24 Affidavit, of John A. MacIver (for an order to strike out par. 2 to 8 of the respondent's factum) - 2 copies, with service Terence Lawrence Caslake
1997-07-24 $50.00 filing fee for notice of motion, receipt no. 34534 Terence Lawrence Caslake
1997-07-24 Motion to strike out, (for an order striking par. 2 to 8 of the respondent's factum) - 2 copies, with service, Completed on: 1997-07-24 Terence Lawrence Caslake
1997-07-08 Order on motion to extend time, to file the factum
1997-07-07 Decision on motion to extend time, to file the factum to July 4/97, Reg
Granted, no order as to costs
1997-07-07 Hearing of motion to extend time, 1997-07-07, to file the factum to July 4/97, Reg
1997-07-07 Submission of motion to extend time, 1997-07-07, to file the factum to July 4/97, Reg
1997-07-04 Response to motion to extend time, to file the respondent's factum to July 4, 1997 (Gowling), Completed on: 1997-07-04 Terence Lawrence Caslake
1997-07-04 Affidavit, to file the respondent's factum to July 4, 1997 (David Grant Frayer)(original filed July 7/97) Her Majesty the Queen
1997-07-04 $50.00 filing fee for notice of motion, (from Justice account) Her Majesty the Queen
1997-07-04 Motion to extend time, to file the respondent's factum to July 4, 1997, Completed on: 1997-07-04 Her Majesty the Queen
1997-07-04 Respondent's factum, 25 copies, with service, Completed on: 1997-07-04 Her Majesty the Queen
1997-06-30 Book of authorities, 10 copies, with service, Completed on: 1997-06-30 Terence Lawrence Caslake
1997-06-05 Decision on motion to strike out, Co, parts of the appellant's factum. Order will go striking the following from the appellant's factum: a) p. 6, par. "(c)"; b) p. 21, par. "C"; c) p. 27, "Order Requested", to the extent that it requests that this Court quash the Appellant's conviction for possession of marihuana for the purposes of trafficking
Granted, no order as to costs
1997-06-05 Hearing of motion to strike out, 1997-06-05, Co
1997-06-05 Submission of motion to strike out, 1997-06-05, Co
1997-05-30 Correspondence (sent by the Court) to, from Robert Frater to A. Roland, letter dated may 30, 1997 re: replying to the appellant's response with regards to the motion to strike, with service
1997-05-28 Appeal perfected for hearing, Session beginning on 1997-10-06
1997-05-27 Correspondence (sent by the Court) to, (by fax) from John A. MacIver; re: responding to the motion to strike
1997-05-22 Correspondence (sent by the Court) to, from R. Frater to A. Roland, letter dated May 22, 1997 re: the appellant argues matters upon which he was not granted leave
1997-05-22 $50.00 filing fee for notice of motion, (from Justice account) Her Majesty the Queen
1997-05-22 Affidavit, part of the appellant's factum (David Grant Frayer ), with service Her Majesty the Queen
1997-05-22 Motion to strike out, (part of the appellant's factum), with service, Completed on: 1997-05-22 Her Majesty the Queen
1997-05-07 Order on motion for leave to intervene
1997-05-02 Order on motion for leave to intervene
1997-05-01 Order on motion to extend time, to file the Case on Appeal and the Factum
1997-05-01 Decision on motion to extend time, to file the Case on Appeal and the Factum. Case on appeal to be filed by March 4/97 and the factum by Apr. 2/97, Reg
Granted, no order as to costs
1997-05-01 Hearing of motion to extend time, 1997-05-01, to file the Case on Appeal and the Factum. Case on appeal to be filed by March 4/97 and the factum by Apr. 2/97, Reg
1997-05-01 Submission of motion to extend time, 1997-05-01, to file the Case on Appeal and the Factum. Case on appeal to be filed by March 4/97 and the factum by Apr. 2/97, Reg
1997-04-30 Response to motion to extend time, to file the case on appeal on March 4, 1997 and the appellant's factum to April 2, 1997 (fax copy) (George Thomson), Completed on: 1997-04-30 Her Majesty the Queen
1997-04-30 $50.00 filing fee for notice of motion, receipt no. 34044 Terence Lawrence Caslake
1997-04-30 Decision on the motion for leave to intervene, factum is limited to 20 pages & oral argument to 15 minutes, Ma
Granted, no order as to costs
1997-04-30 Hearing of motion for leave to intervene, 1997-04-30, factum is limited to 20 pages & oral argument to 15 minutes, Ma
1997-04-30 Submission of motion for leave to intervene, 1997-04-30, factum is limited to 20 pages & oral argument to 15 minutes, Ma
1997-04-30 Decision on motion to extend time, for leave to intervene, Ma
Granted, no order as to costs
1997-04-30 Hearing of motion to extend time, 1997-04-30, for leave to intervene, Ma
1997-04-30 Submission of motion to extend time, 1997-04-30, for leave to intervene, Ma
1997-04-29 Affidavit, to file the case on appeal on March 4, 1997 and the appellant's factum on April 2, 1997 (E.V. Bemmel), with service Terence Lawrence Caslake
1997-04-29 Motion to extend time, to file the case on appeal on March 4, 1997 and the appellant's factum on April 2, 1997 ($50.00 requested), with service, Completed on: 1997-04-29 Terence Lawrence Caslake
1997-04-29 Response to the motion for leave to intervene, of A. G. Quebec (Gowling, Strathy), Completed on: 1997-04-29 Terence Lawrence Caslake
1997-04-28 Response to the motion for leave to intervene, of A.G. N.B., Completed on: 1997-04-28 Her Majesty the Queen
1997-04-25 Affidavit, of E. Van Bemmel (2 copies), with service Attorney General of New Brunswick
1997-04-25 Motion for additional time to present oral argument, (20 minutes) (joint motion) - 2 copies, with service, Completed on: 1997-04-25 Attorney General of New Brunswick
1997-04-25 Motion to extend time, to file the motion to intervene (joint) - 2 copies, with service, Completed on: 1997-04-25 Attorney General of New Brunswick
1997-04-25 $50.00 filing fee for notice of motion, receipt no. 34024 Attorney General of New Brunswick
1997-04-25 Motion for leave to intervene, (joint with motions to extend the time and for additional time), with service, Completed on: 1997-04-25 Attorney General of New Brunswick
1997-04-17 Proof of service, of the case on appeal and appellant's factum to P. G. Quebec
1997-04-16 Decision on the motion for leave to intervene, La requête du Procureur général du Québec pour obtenir une ordonnance prorogeant le délai pour intervenir et d'intervenir est accordée. Le mémoire est limité à 20 pages et la plaidoirie orale à 15 min., Ma
Granted, no order as to costs
1997-04-16 Hearing of motion for leave to intervene, 1997-04-16, La requête du Procureur général du Québec pour obtenir une ordonnance prorogeant le délai pour intervenir et d'intervenir est accordée. Le mémoire est limité à 20 pages et la plaidoirie orale à 15 min., Ma
1997-04-16 Submission of motion for leave to intervene, 1997-04-16, La requête du Procureur général du Québec pour obtenir une ordonnance prorogeant le délai pour intervenir et d'intervenir est accordée. Le mémoire est limité à 20 pages et la plaidoirie orale à 15 min., Ma
1997-04-16 Decision on motion to extend time, for leave to interve, Ma
Granted, no order as to costs
1997-04-16 Hearing of motion to extend time, 1997-04-16, for leave to interve, Ma
1997-04-16 Submission of motion to extend time, 1997-04-16, for leave to interve, Ma
1997-04-10 Response to motion to extend time, to file the A.G. Quebec's factum to April 10, 1997 (Robert Frater) (fax copy), Completed on: 1997-04-10 Her Majesty the Queen
1997-04-09 $50.00 filing fee for notice of motion, (from P. G.'s account) Attorney General of Quebec
1997-04-09 Motion to extend time, to file the motion to intervene - 2 copies (joint with motion to intervene), with service, Completed on: 1997-04-09 Attorney General of Quebec
1997-04-09 Affidavit, of Gilles Laporte, with service Attorney General of Quebec
1997-04-09 Motion for leave to intervene, (joint with motion to extend the time), with service, Completed on: 1997-04-09 Attorney General of Quebec
1997-04-04 Order on motion for leave to intervene
1997-04-04 Order on motion for leave to intervene
1997-04-04 Decision on the motion for leave to intervene, , factum is limited to 30 pages and oral argument to 15 minutes, Ia
Granted, no order as to costs
1997-04-04 Hearing of motion for leave to intervene, 1997-04-04, , factum is limited to 30 pages and oral argument to 15 minutes, Ia
1997-04-04 Submission of motion for leave to intervene, 1997-04-04, , factum is limited to 30 pages and oral argument to 15 minutes, Ia
1997-04-04 Decision on the motion for leave to intervene, , factum is limited to 30 pages and oral argument to 15 minutes, Ia
Granted, no order as to costs
1997-04-04 Hearing of motion for leave to intervene, 1997-04-04, , factum is limited to 30 pages and oral argument to 15 minutes, Ia
1997-04-04 Submission of motion for leave to intervene, 1997-04-04, , factum is limited to 30 pages and oral argument to 15 minutes, Ia
1997-04-04 Decision on the motion for leave to intervene, , factum is limited to 20 pages and oral argument to 15 minutes, Ia
Granted, no order as to costs
1997-04-04 Hearing of motion for leave to intervene, 1997-04-04, , factum is limited to 20 pages and oral argument to 15 minutes, Ia
1997-04-04 Submission of motion for leave to intervene, 1997-04-04, , factum is limited to 20 pages and oral argument to 15 minutes, Ia
1997-04-03 Response to the motion for leave to intervene, to the Attorney General of Ontario, Completed on: 1997-04-03 Terence Lawrence Caslake
1997-04-03 Response to the motion for leave to intervene, to the Attorney General of Nova Scotia (written on first page of the motion), Completed on: 1997-04-03 Terence Lawrence Caslake
1997-04-02 Response to the motion for leave to intervene, to the Attoney General of B.C., Completed on: 1997-04-02 Her Majesty the Queen
1997-04-02 Response to the motion for leave to intervene, to the Attorney General of B.C., Completed on: 1997-04-02 Terence Lawrence Caslake
1997-04-02 Response to the motion for leave to intervene, to the Attorney General of Nova Scotia, Completed on: 1997-04-02 Her Majesty the Queen
1997-04-02 Appellant's factum, 24 copies (extension of time requested) (returned for corrections on June 12, 1997, see order dated June 5, 1997) (BACK FROM CORRECTIONS ON JUNE 13, 1997, SERVICE REQUESTED), with service, Completed on: 1997-04-02 Terence Lawrence Caslake
1997-04-01 Affidavit, of Elizabeth A. Bennett, with service Attorney General of British Columbia
1997-04-01 $50.00 filing fee for notice of motion, receipt no. 33859 Attorney General of British Columbia
1997-04-01 Motion to file a lengthy factum, (of 30 pages) (joint), with service, Completed on: 1997-04-01 Attorney General of British Columbia
1997-04-01 Motion for leave to intervene, (joint with motion for lenghty memorandum) - 1 copy, with service, Completed on: 1997-04-01 Attorney General of British Columbia
1997-03-27 Response to the motion for leave to intervene, to the Attorney General of Ontario, Completed on: 1997-03-27 Her Majesty the Queen
1997-03-27 Trial court record
1997-03-27 Affidavit, of Kenneth Fiske (2 copies) (original filed May 7/97) Attorney General of Nova Scotia
1997-03-27 $50.00 filing fee for notice of motion, receipt no. 33848 Attorney General of Nova Scotia
1997-03-27 Motion for leave to intervene, (2 copies), with service, Completed on: 1997-03-27 Attorney General of Nova Scotia
1997-03-26 Affidavit, of Murray Segal (joint), with service Attorney General for Ontario
1997-03-26 Motion to file a lengthy factum, (30 pages) (joint motion), with service, Completed on: 1997-03-26 Attorney General for Ontario
1997-03-26 Motion for additional time to present oral argument, (30 minutes) (joint motion), with service, Completed on: 1997-03-26 Attorney General for Ontario
1997-03-26 $50.00 filing fee for notice of motion, receipt no. 33827 Attorney General for Ontario
1997-03-26 Motion for leave to intervene, (joint with motion for lenghty memorandum and additional time), with service, Completed on: 1997-03-26 Attorney General for Ontario
1997-03-14 Appeal court record, (1 envelope)
1997-03-12 Certified casebook, With service Terence Lawrence Caslake
1997-03-11 Order on motion for leave to intervene
1997-03-07 Decision on the motion for leave to intervene, factum is limited to 20 pages and oral argument to 15 minutes, Co
Granted, no order as to costs
1997-03-07 Hearing of motion for leave to intervene, 1997-03-07, factum is limited to 20 pages and oral argument to 15 minutes, Co
1997-03-07 Submission of motion for leave to intervene, 1997-03-07, factum is limited to 20 pages and oral argument to 15 minutes, Co
1997-03-06 Correspondence (sent by the Court) to, from Henry Brown to Registrar, letter dated March 7, 1997 (fax copy) re: the appellant does not oppose to the application to intervene by A. G. Alberta
1997-03-04 Case on appeal, 23 copies (extension of time requested) Terence Lawrence Caslake
1997-02-28 Affidavit, of E. Van. Bemmel (2 copies) Attorney General of Alberta
1997-02-28 $50.00 filing fee for notice of motion, receipt no. 33644 Attorney General of Alberta
1997-02-28 Motion for additional time to present oral argument, to 20 minutes (joint with motion to intervene), Completed on: 1997-02-28 Attorney General of Alberta
1997-02-28 Motion for leave to intervene, (joint with motion for additional time) - 2 copies, Completed on: 1997-02-28 Attorney General of Alberta
1997-02-14 Correspondence (sent by the Court) to, sent to Noël, Berthiaume enclosing an order dated Oct 3/96 granting leave to appeal. Application to intervene should be made no later than Mar 31/97 c.c. D.N. MacIver & Robert Frater
1997-02-14 Correspondence (sent by the Court) to, sent to Lang, Michener enclosing an order dated Oct 3/96 granting leave to appeal. Application to intervene should be made no later than Mar 31/97 c.c. D.N. MacIver & Robert Frater
1997-02-14 Correspondence (sent by the Court) to, sent to Beament, Green, Dust enclosing an order dated Oct 3/96 granting leave to appeal. Application to intervene should be made no later than Mar 31/97 c.c. D.N. MacIver & Robert Frater
1997-02-14 Correspondence (sent by the Court) to, sent to Gowling, Strathy & Henderson enclosing an order dated Oct 3/96 granting leave to appeal. Application to intervene should be made no later than Mar 31/97 c.c. D.N. MacIver & Robert Frater
1997-02-14 Correspondence (sent by the Court) to, sent to Burke-Robertson enclosing an order dated Oct 3/96 granting leave to appeal. Application to intervene should be made no later than Mar 31/97 c.c. D.N. MacIver and Robert Frater
1997-02-10 Correspondence (sent by the Court) to, from Henry S. Brown; re: constitutional questions
1997-02-07 Correspondence (sent by the Court) to, from Robert J. Frater; re: responding to Mr. Brown's letter of Feb. 3/97; re: constitutiona question
1997-02-04 Correspondence (sent by the Court) to, (by fax) from Henry S. Brown, Q.C.; re: appellant agrees with the proposal of the Chief Justice
1997-01-22 Decision on the motion to state a constitutional question, (Important common law rule bearing on the administration of criminal justice in the province will be challenged on constitutional grounds) (letter dated Feb. 14/97 sent to A.G.'s), CJ
Dismissed, no order as to costs
1997-01-22 Hearing of the motion to state a constitutional question, 1997-01-22, (Important common law rule bearing on the administration of criminal justice in the province will be challenged on constitutional grounds) (letter dated Feb. 14/97 sent to A.G.'s), CJ
1997-01-22 Submission of motion to state a constitutional question, 1997-01-22, (Important common law rule bearing on the administration of criminal justice in the province will be challenged on constitutional grounds) (letter dated Feb. 14/97 sent to A.G.'s), CJ
1997-01-08 Correspondence (sent by the Court) to, from Henry S. Brown, Q.C.; replying to the respondent's response on constitutional question
1997-01-07 Correspondence (sent by the Court) to, from S.R. Fainstein, Q.C.; re: constitutional questions
1996-12-23 $50.00 filing fee for notice of motion, receipt no. 33264 Terence Lawrence Caslake
1996-12-23 Motion to state a constitutional question, 5 copies, with service, Completed on: 1996-12-23 Terence Lawrence Caslake
1996-11-22 Order granting leave to appeal
1996-10-30 Correspondence (sent by the Court) to, sent to A.G. of Canada (Winnipeg, MN) enclosing copy of Rule 32 c.c. Robert Frater
1996-10-30 Correspondence (sent by the Court) to, sent to D.N. MacIver & Associates (Winnipeg, MN) enclosing copy of Rule 32
1996-10-25 Notice of appeal, With service, Completed on: 1996-10-25 Terence Lawrence Caslake
1996-10-03 Judgment of the Court on the application for leave to appeal, LaF Co Ma, The application for leave to appeal is granted but only on the issues regarding the search, namely whether the power of search incident to arrest extends to vehicles and whether the delay between the arrest and the search was such that the search could no longer be considered an incident to the arrest.
Granted, no order as to costs
1996-10-03 Notice of deposit of judgment issued to all parties, A.G. of Canada
1996-10-03 Notice of deposit of judgment issued to all parties, D.N. MacIver & Assoc. (Winnipeg, MN)
1996-02-02 All materials on application for leave submitted to the Judges, LaF Co Ma
1996-01-10 Applicant's reply to respondent's argument, 6 copies (service admitted on Jan. 9/96), with service, Completed on: 1996-01-10 Terence Lawrence Caslake
1995-12-29 Respondent's response on the application for leave to appeal, 5 copies, with service Her Majesty the Queen
1995-12-13 Correspondence received from, sent to A.G. of Canada (Ottawa, ON) enclosing copy of letter dated Dec 13/95 sent to applicant
1995-12-13 Correspondence received from, sent to D.N. MacIver & Associates (Winnipeg, MN) to acknowledge receipt of material commencing a proceeding with filing fee
1995-11-30 $50.00 filing fee, receipt #31160 (receipt of $100.00)(request for refund of $50.00 sent to Sharon Mackell) Terence Lawrence Caslake
1995-11-30 Application for leave to appeal, 5 copies, with service, Completed on: 1995-11-30 Terence Lawrence Caslake
