

David Morley Pearlman v. Manitoba Law Society Judicial Committee

(Manitoba) (Civil) (By Leave)

Judgments on applications for leave to appeal are rendered by the Court, but are not necessarily unanimous.

Date Proceeding Filed By
(if applicable)
1992-10-05 Appeal closed
1992-05-25 Certificate of taxation issued to, Gowling Strathy & Henderson
1992-05-25 Fee on taxation $30.00, #25485 Manitoba Law Society Judicial Committee
1992-05-15 Late taxation on the bill of costs, taxed at $3,624.07
1992-05-15 Approved order for payment out, of direction #2132, with service
1992-01-13 Correspondence (sent by the Court) to, sent to Court of Appeal of Manitoba (Winnipeg,MN) re: Court record sent back.
1991-10-10 Appeal closed
1991-10-03 Copy of formal judgment being prepared, Noël, Berthiaume (Hull,QC)
1991-10-03 Copy of formal judgment being prepared, Burke-Robertson (Ottawa,ON)
1991-10-03 Copy of formal judgment being prepared, Soloway, Wright, Houston (Ottawa,ON)
1991-10-03 Copy of formal judgment being prepared, Gowling, Strathy & Henderson (Ottawa,ON)
1991-10-03 Formal judgment sent to the registrar of the court of appeal and all parties, (Winnipeg,MN)
1991-09-26 Notice of deposit of judgment sent to all parties, Gowling, Strathy & Henderson (Ottawa,ON)
1991-09-26 Notice of deposit of judgment sent to all parties, Soloway, Wright, Houston (Ottawa,ON)
1991-09-26 Notice of deposit of judgment sent to all parties, Burke-Robertson (Ottawa,ON)
1991-09-26 Notice of deposit of judgment sent to all parties, Noël, Berthiaume (Hull,QC)
1991-09-26 Judgment on the appeal rendered, CJ LaF L'HD So G Co McL St Ia, The appeal is dismissed with costs.
Dismissed, with costs
1991-05-21 General proceeding, transcripts received and distributed to the justices (131 pages)
1991-05-07 Hearing of the appeal, 1991-05-07, CJ LaF L'HD So G Co McL St Ia
Decision reserved
1991-05-06 General proceeding, 10 copies of add. authorities 1)Re Mia and Medical Services...+ 2)Richardson v. Assn. of Pro.Engineer s David Morley Pearlman
1991-05-03 Intervener's factum, (served copy), with service Attorney General of Saskatchewan
1991-05-02 Intervener's factum, 20 copies Attorney General of Saskatchewan
1991-05-01 Service, of factum
1991-04-29 Intervener's factum, 21 copies Attorney General of Quebec
1991-04-26 Appeal hearing
1991-04-26 Book of authorities, 10 copies of vols. 1 to 3, with service Attorney General for Ontario
1991-04-26 Intervener's factum, 21 copies, with service Attorney General for Ontario
1991-04-24 Book of authorities, 11 copies, with service Attorney General of Manitoba
1991-04-24 Intervener's factum, 21 copies, with service Attorney General of Manitoba
1991-04-18 Service, 1 copy of factum, with service
1991-04-16 Intervener's factum, 21 copies, with service Attorney General of British Columbia
1991-04-02 Service, of Case on Appeal, Revised factum; revised authorities
1991-03-20 Order on motion to adjourn the hearing of the appeal, With service
1991-03-11 Appeal removed from the list
1991-03-08 Decision on motion to adjourn the hearing of the appeal, to the April 1991 session namely to May/07/91/, CJ
Granted, no order as to costs
1991-03-08 Hearing of motion to adjourn the hearing of the appeal, 1991-03-08, to the April 1991 session namely to May/07/91/, CJ
1991-03-08 Submission of motion to adjourn the hearing of the appeal, 1991-03-08, to the April 1991 session namely to May/07/91/, CJ
1991-03-07 Response to the motion to adjourn the hearing of the appeal, to the session beginning on April 29th Manitoba Law Society Judicial Committee
1991-03-07 Affidavit, to session beginning on April 29th, with service Attorney General of Manitoba
1991-03-07 Motion to adjourn the hearing of the appeal, to session beginning April 29th, with service Attorney General of Manitoba
1991-03-06 Notice of intervention respecting a constitutional question, 2 copies, with service Attorney General of Quebec
1991-03-06 Notice of intervention respecting a constitutional question, With service Attorney General of Saskatchewan
1991-03-06 Notice of intervention respecting a constitutional question, With service Attorney General for Ontario
1991-03-05 Service, 1 copy of authorities, with service
1991-03-04 Book of authorities, 9 copies Manitoba Law Society Judicial Committee
1991-03-04 Respondent's factum, 21 copies Manitoba Law Society Judicial Committee
1991-02-28 Book of authorities, 10 copies of REVISED BOOK, with service David Morley Pearlman
1991-02-27 Appellant's factum, 21 copies REVISED on Constitutional Questions, with service David Morley Pearlman
1991-02-26 Notice of intervention respecting a constitutional question Attorney General of British Columbia
1991-02-05 Notice of constitutional question(s), With service David Morley Pearlman
1991-02-05 Order on motion to state a constitutional question, With service
1991-02-05 Order on motion to extend time, to state Constitutional Questions, with service
1991-01-29 Decision on the motion to state a constitutional question, " For Constitutional Question(s) see file or Reg's red book #8 @ p. 56. Interventions by Mar/6/91., CJ
Granted, no order as to costs
1991-01-29 Hearing of the motion to state a constitutional question, 1991-01-29, " For Constitutional Question(s) see file or Reg's red book #8 @ p. 56. Interventions by Mar/6/91., CJ
1991-01-29 Submission of motion to state a constitutional question, 1991-01-29, " For Constitutional Question(s) see file or Reg's red book #8 @ p. 56. Interventions by Mar/6/91., CJ
1991-01-28 Affidavit, of Sidney Green,, with service David Morley Pearlman
1991-01-23 Motion to extend time, for an Order formulating the constitutional questions and for directions concerning service, with service David Morley Pearlman
1991-01-22 Motion to state a constitutional question, With service David Morley Pearlman
1991-01-18 Appeal hearing scheduled, 1991-05-07
Decision reserved
1991-01-11 Order on motion for leave to intervene, With service
1991-01-11 Correspondence (sent by the Court) to, sent to Mr. Sidney Green (Winnipeg,MN) informing him that on Wednesday, January 9, 1991, the Chief Justice, heard submission on a motion by the Attorney General of Manitoba for leave to intervene, to file a factum and be heard orally on the appeal, and to
1991-01-09 Decision on the motion for leave to intervene, and the hearing of the appeal is adjourned to Mar/28/91., CJ
Granted, no order as to costs
1991-01-09 Hearing of motion for leave to intervene, 1991-01-09, and the hearing of the appeal is adjourned to Mar/28/91., CJ
1991-01-09 Submission of motion for leave to intervene, 1991-01-09, and the hearing of the appeal is adjourned to Mar/28/91., CJ
1991-01-08 Affidavit, With service Attorney General of Manitoba
1991-01-08 Motion for leave to intervene, With service Attorney General of Manitoba
1990-10-23 Appeal perfected for hearing, Session beginning on 1991-04-29
1990-10-09 Book of authorities, 10 copies, with service David Morley Pearlman
1990-10-09 Appellant's factum, 21 copies, with service David Morley Pearlman
1990-09-19 Trial court record
1990-09-12 Appeal court record
1990-09-11 Certified casebook David Morley Pearlman
1990-08-15 Case on appeal, 20 copies (correction Part V missing) David Morley Pearlman
1990-03-27 $500 security deposit paid David Morley Pearlman
1990-03-26 Notice of appeal, With service David Morley Pearlman
1990-03-26 Order granting leave to appeal
1990-03-01 Close file on Leave
1990-03-01 Notice of deposit of judgment issued to all parties, The Law Society of Manitoba (Wpg,MN)
1990-03-01 Notice of deposit of judgment issued to all parties, Soloway, Wright, Houston & Ass. (Ottawa,ON)
1990-03-01 Judgment of the Court on the application for leave to appeal, CJ So McL, The application for leave to appeal is granted.
Granted, no order as to costs
1990-03-01 Hearing of the application for leave to appeal, 1990-03-01, CJ So McL
1990-03-01 All materials on application for leave submitted to the Judges, 1990-03-01, CJ So McL
1989-12-05 All materials on application for leave submitted to the Judges, CJ So McL
1989-11-20 Book of authorities, 5 copies,, with service Manitoba Law Society Judicial Committee
1989-11-20 Respondent's response on the application for leave to appeal, 5 copies,, with service Manitoba Law Society Judicial Committee
1989-11-03 $30.00 filing fee, receipt #15963 David Morley Pearlman
1989-11-03 Book of authorities, 5 copies David Morley Pearlman
1989-11-03 Application for leave to appeal, 5 copies, with service, Completed on: 1989-11-03 David Morley Pearlman
