

Thomas Patrick Lyons v. Her Majesty the Queen

(Nova Scotia) (Criminal) (By Leave)

Judgments on applications for leave to appeal are rendered by the Court, but are not necessarily unanimous.

Date Proceeding Filed By
(if applicable)
1992-08-04 Formal judgment sent to the registrar of the court of appeal and all parties, (Halifax, N.S.)
1988-08-04 General proceeding, to note records from both courts sent to Registrar (Halifax,NS)
1987-10-15 Judgment on the appeal rendered, CJ E McI La W LeD LaF
Dismissed, no order as to costs
1987-01-29 Decision on motion to adduce new evidence, CJ E McI La W LeD LaF
Granted, no order as to costs
1987-01-29 Hearing of the motion to adduce new evidence, 1987-01-29, CJ E McI La W LeD LaF
1987-01-29 Submission of motion to adduce new evidence, 1987-01-29, CJ E McI La W LeD LaF
1987-01-28 Hearing of the appeal, 1987-01-28, (Appeal heard Jan 28th & 29th, 1987), CJ E McI La W LeD LaF
Decision reserved
1987-01-26 Book of authorities, 9 copies, with service Attorney General of British Columbia
1987-01-22 Notice of withdrawal, served copy Attorney General of Saskatchewan
1987-01-21 Correspondence (sent by the Court) to, from Applicant dated Jan 21/87
1987-01-21 Motion to adduce new evidence, 11 copies Her Majesty the Queen
1987-01-21 Intervener's factum, With service Attorney General of British Columbia
1987-01-20 Notice of withdrawal Attorney General of Saskatchewan
1987-01-20 Intervener's factum, 21 copies, with service Attorney General for Ontario
1987-01-14 Intervener's factum, 21 copies, with service Attorney General of Canada
1987-01-14 Order on motion for leave to intervene
1987-01-12 Appeal hearing scheduled, 1987-01-28
Decision reserved
1987-01-12 Appeal perfected for hearing, Session beginning on 1987-01-26
1987-01-12 Appellant's factum, 30 copies, appencix Thomas Patrick Lyons
1987-01-12 Appellant's factum, 21 copies, with service Thomas Patrick Lyons
1986-12-09 Appeal court record
1986-12-09 Trial court record
1986-11-21 Decision on the motion for leave to intervene, E
Granted, no order as to costs
1986-11-21 Hearing of motion for leave to intervene, 1986-11-21, E
1986-11-21 Submission of motion for leave to intervene, 1986-11-21, E
1986-11-20 Response to the motion for leave to intervene Thomas Patrick Lyons
1986-11-20 Affidavit Attorney General of British Columbia
1986-11-20 Motion for leave to intervene Attorney General of British Columbia
1986-11-12 Case on appeal, 1 copy, with service Thomas Patrick Lyons
1986-11-10 Certified casebook Thomas Patrick Lyons
1986-10-21 Appellant's factum, 20 copies, with service Thomas Patrick Lyons
1986-01-30 Order on miscellaneous motion
1986-01-23 Decision on miscellaneous motion, to have case on appeal accepted as printed, LeD
Granted, no order as to costs
1986-01-23 Hearing of miscellaneous motion, 1986-01-23, to have case on appeal accepted as printed, LeD
1986-01-23 Submission of miscellaneous motion, 1986-01-23, to have case on appeal accepted as printed, LeD
1986-01-22 Response to miscellaneous motion, to have case on appeal accepted as printed Her Majesty the Queen
1986-01-22 Affidavit, to have case on appeal accepted as printed Thomas Patrick Lyons
1986-01-22 Notice of miscellaneous motion, to have case on appeal accepted as printed Thomas Patrick Lyons
1986-01-03 Case on appeal, 20 copies Thomas Patrick Lyons
1986-01-02 Case on appeal, 1 copy Thomas Patrick Lyons
1985-04-22 Notice of intervention respecting a constitutional question, With service Attorney General of Canada
1985-04-16 Notice of intervention respecting a constitutional question, With service Attorney General of Saskatchewan
1985-04-12 Notice of intervention respecting a constitutional question Attorney General for Ontario
1985-04-02 Notice of constitutional question(s), With service Thomas Patrick Lyons
1985-03-28 Order on motion to state a constitutional question
1985-03-26 Decision on the motion to state a constitutional question, (See Registrar's Red Book # 6 @ p.1), CJ
Granted, no order as to costs
1985-03-26 Hearing of the motion to state a constitutional question, 1985-03-26, (See Registrar's Red Book # 6 @ p.1), CJ
1985-03-26 Submission of motion to state a constitutional question, 1985-03-26, (See Registrar's Red Book # 6 @ p.1), CJ
1985-03-06 Motion to state a constitutional question, With service Thomas Patrick Lyons
1985-02-21 Order granting leave to appeal
1985-02-19 Notice of appeal, With service Thomas Patrick Lyons
1985-01-31 Judgment of the Court on the application for leave to appeal, CJ McI W
Granted, no order as to costs
1984-12-17 Hearing of the application for leave to appeal, 1984-12-17, CJ McI W
Decision reserved
1984-12-17 All materials on application for leave submitted to the Judges, 1984-12-17, CJ McI W
Decision reserved
1984-12-10 Respondent's response on the application for leave to appeal Her Majesty the Queen
1984-11-30 Appeal Court record, 3 copies
1984-11-30 Application for leave to appeal, 5 copies, Completed on: 1984-11-30 Thomas Patrick Lyons
