The Incidental Allowance

ss. 27(1) of the Judges Act

Preambleclick to expand contents 

Classes of Incidental Expenses Reimbursedclick to expand contents 

Guidelines on the Incidental Allowance click to expand contents 

Expensesclick to collapse contents 

July 1 to September 30, 2020 Expenses

Total amount of incidental expenditures reimbursed
ss. 90.06 (a)
Number of judges reimbursed
ss. 90.06 (b)
Number of judges who received a reimbursement for each class of incidental expenses
ss. 90.06 (d)
Electronic equipment and office supplies Telecommunications Memberships and legal publications Court attire Judicial education and judicial outreach functions Other reasonable expenses
$4,041.27 5 3 3 2 3 0 3

Expenses published for one quarter are those reimbursed in that quarter. Some of the published expenses may have been incurred in a previous quarter.

