Case information
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Her Majesty the Queen v. Marijana Ruzic
(Ontario) (Criminal) (By Leave)
Judgments on applications for leave to appeal are rendered by the Court, but are not necessarily unanimous.
Please note that in the case of closed files, the “Status” column reflects the status of the parties at the time of the proceedings. For more information about the proceedings and about the dates when the file was open, please consult the docket of the case in question.
Main parties
Other parties
Party: Her Majesty the Queen
Morris Pistyner
284 Wellington Street
Ottawa, Ontario
K1A 0H8
Telephone: (613) 952-7553
FAX: (613) 957-8742
284 Wellington Street, Suite 2311
Ottawa, Ontario
K1A 0H8
Telephone: (613) 957-4763
FAX: (613) 941-7865
Party: Ruzic, Marijana
Leslie Pringle
1130 - 20 Dundas St West
Box 180
Toronto, Ontario
M5G 2G8
Telephone: (416) 979-6446
FAX: (416) 591-7333
150 Metcalfe Street
Suite 2300
Ottawa, Ontario
K2P 1P1
Telephone: (613) 230-3988
FAX: (613) 230-7085
Party: Canadian Council of Churches
Jill Copeland
11 Prince Arthur Avenue
Toronto, Ontario
M5R 1B2
Telephone: (416) 964-9664
FAX: (416) 964-8305
800 - 200 Elgin Street
Ottawa, Ontario
K2P 1L5
Telephone: (613) 233-7747
FAX: (613) 233-2374
Party: Canadian Council for Refugees
11 Prince Arthur Avenue
Toronto, Ontario
M5R 1B2
Telephone: (416) 964-9664
FAX: (416) 964-8305
800 - 200 Elgin Street
Ottawa, Ontario
K2P 1L5
Telephone: (613) 233-7747
FAX: (613) 233-2374
Party: Attorney General for Ontario
John McInnes
720 Bay St
10th Floor
Toronto, Ontario
M5G 2K1
Telephone: (416) 326-4580
FAX: (416) 326-4656
70 Gloucester Street
Ottawa, Ontario
K2P 0A2
Telephone: (613) 566-2058
FAX: (613) 235-4430
Case summaries are prepared by the Office of the Registrar of the Supreme Court of Canada (Law Branch). Please note that summaries are not provided to the Judges of the Court. They are placed on the Court file and website for information purposes only.
Lower court rulings
Ontario Court of Justice (General Division)
Acuittal: unlawfully importing heroin into Canada and possession and use of a false passport
Court of Appeal for Ontario
Appeal dismissed; s. 17 of Criminal Code declared of no force or effect to the extent that it prevents an accused from relying on the common law defence of duress
Memorandums of argument on application for leave to appeal
The memorandums of argument on an application for leave to appeal will be posted here 30 days after leave to appeal has been granted unless they contain personal information, information that is subject to a publication ban, or any other information that is not part of the public record. You may also obtain copies of the memorandum by filing out the Request for Court records form or by contacting the Court’s Records Centre either by email at or by telephone at 613‑996‑7933 or at 1‑888‑551‑1185.
If you have questions about a memorandum of argument or want to use a memorandum of argument, please contact the author of the memorandum of argument directly. Their name appears at the end of the memorandum of argument. The contact information for counsel is found in the “Counsel” tab of this page.
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Not available
Related links
Factums on appeal
The factums of the appellant, the respondent and the intervener will be posted here at least 2 weeks before the hearing unless they contain personal information, information that is subject to a publication ban, or any other information that is not part of the public record. You may also obtain copies of factums by filling out the Request for Court records form or by contacting the Court’s Records Centre either by email at or by telephone at 613‑996‑7933 or at 1‑888‑551‑1185.
If you have questions about a factum or want permission to use a factum, please contact the author of the factum directly. Their contact information appears on the first page of each factum.
Downloadable PDFs
Not available
Related links
Judgments on applications for leave to appeal are rendered by the Court, but are not necessarily unanimous.
Date | Proceeding | Filed By (if applicable) |
2001-06-05 | Record returned to the Registrar of the Court of Appeal | |
2001-05-14 | Appeal closed | |
2001-05-04 | Formal judgment sent to the registrar of the court of appeal and all parties | |
2001-04-23 | Copy of formal judgment being prepared | |
2001-04-23 | Notice of deposit of judgment sent to all parties | |
2001-04-20 |
Judgment on the appeal rendered, CJ L'HD G Ia Ma Ba Bi Arb LeB, The appeal is dismissed and the acquittal of the respondent is confirmed. The constitutional questions are answered as follows: Dismissed, no order as to costs |
2000-06-27 | Transcript received, (82 pages) | |
2000-06-13 |
Hearing of the appeal, 2000-06-13, (V050), CJ L'HD G Ia Ma Ba Bi Arb LeB Judgment reserved |
2000-06-13 | Respondent's condensed book, given in Court | Marijana Ruzic |
2000-06-13 | Acknowledgement and consent for video taping of proceedings | |
2000-06-08 | Appellant's condensed book | Her Majesty the Queen |
2000-06-07 | Notice of appearance, of Croft Michaelson and Morris Pistyner at the hearing of the appeal | Her Majesty the Queen |
2000-06-07 | Notice of appearance, of Marlys Edwardh at the hearing of the appeal | Canadian Council of Churches |
2000-04-28 | Order on motion to extend time | |
2000-04-25 |
Decision on motion to extend time, DeRg, to serve & file the factum of the intervener Attorney General of Ontario to March 31, 2000. Granted, no order as to costs |
2000-04-25 | Submission of motion to extend time, by A.G. - Ont., DeRg | |
2000-04-19 |
Decision on motion to extend time, DeRg, to serve & file the book of authorities of the interveners Canadian Council of Churches and the Canadian Council for Refugees to March 27, 2000. Granted, no order as to costs |
2000-04-19 | Submission of motion to extend time, C.C.C & C.C.R., DeRg | |
2000-04-11 | Motion to extend time, (to file the factum to March 31, 2000) - 1 copy, Completed on: 2000-04-11 | Attorney General for Ontario |
2000-04-10 | Motion to extend time, (to file the authorities to March 27, 2000) - book form, Completed on: 2000-04-10 | Canadian Council of Churches |
2000-04-10 |
Appeal hearing scheduled, 2000-06-13 Judgment reserved |
2000-03-31 | Intervener's factum, (extension of time requested), Completed on: 2000-03-31 | Attorney General for Ontario |
2000-03-27 | Book of authorities, (extension of time requested), Completed on: 2000-03-27 | Canadian Council of Churches |
2000-03-22 |
Decision on motion to extend time, Reg, to serve & file the respondent's book of authorities to Mar. 6, 2000. Granted, no order as to costs |
2000-03-22 | Submission of motion to extend time, Reg | |
2000-03-20 | Response to motion to extend time, (fax copy), Completed on: 2000-03-20 | Her Majesty the Queen |
2000-03-20 | Motion to extend time, (to file the authorities to March 6, 2000), Completed on: 2000-03-20 | Marijana Ruzic |
2000-03-06 | Respondent's book of authorities, vol. I & II (extension of time requested), Completed on: 2000-03-06 | Marijana Ruzic |
2000-03-02 |
Decision on motion to extend time, Reg, to serve & file the factum of the intervener Canadian Council of Churches and the Canadian Council for Rejugees to Feb. 21, 2000. Granted, no order as to costs |
2000-03-02 | Submission of motion to extend time, Reg | |
2000-02-21 | Motion to extend time, to file the factum to Feb. 21, 2000 (book form), Completed on: 2000-02-23 | Canadian Council of Churches |
2000-02-21 | Intervener's factum, Completed on: 2000-02-21 | Canadian Council of Churches |
2000-02-10 | Correspondence received from, M. Edwardh dated Feb. 10/00 (by fax) re: will file C.C.C. and C.C.R.'s factums about seven-day late | Canadian Council of Churches |
2000-01-28 | General proceeding, (consent of Croft, Michaelson re: amended respondent's factum) | Her Majesty the Queen |
2000-01-28 | Correspondence received from, F. Addario dated Jan. 28, 2000 (fax copy) re: corrections made to the respondent's factum (original received on Feb. 2, 2000) | Marijana Ruzic |
2000-01-18 | Respondent's factum, (amended factum received on Jan. 28, 2000 - see F. Addario's letter), Completed on: 2000-01-18 | Marijana Ruzic |
2000-01-13 | Notice of withdrawal | Attorney General of British Columbia |
2000-01-13 | Appeal perfected for hearing, Session beginning on 2000-04-10 | |
1999-11-29 | Notice of intervention respecting a constitutional question, (fax copy) | Attorney General of British Columbia |
1999-11-18 | Appellant's book of authorities, Vol. I and II, Completed on: 1999-11-18 | Her Majesty the Queen |
1999-11-18 | Appellant's record, Vol. I to III, Completed on: 1999-11-18 | Her Majesty the Queen |
1999-11-18 | Appellant's factum, (see Order dated Sept. 16/99), Completed on: 1999-11-18 | Her Majesty the Queen |
1999-11-16 | Notice of intervention respecting a constitutional question, (service on Nov. 26, 1999) | Attorney General for Ontario |
1999-11-03 | Order on motion for leave to intervene, (by the Court) | |
1999-11-03 |
Decision on the motion for leave to intervene, L'HD, by the Canadian Council of Churches and The Canadian Council of Refugees. The applicants shall be entitled to serve & file a joint factum of 20 pages & joint oral argument of 15 minutes. The interveners shall not be entitled to adduce further evidence or otherwise to supplement the record apart from their factum and oral submissions. Pursuant to Rule 18(6), the interveners shall pay to the appellant and respondent any additional disbursements occasioned by the appellant and respondent by the interventions. Granted, no order as to costs |
1999-11-03 | Submission of motion for leave to intervene, L'HD | |
1999-10-27 | Notice of constitutional question(s), (bookform) | Marijana Ruzic |
1999-10-20 | Order on motion to state a constitutional question | |
1999-10-14 |
Decision on the motion to state a constitutional question, CJ, The motion on behalf of the respondent for an order stating Constitutional Questions is granted (for questions see long judgment). Notices of intervention are to be filed no later than November 29, 1999. Granted, no order as to costs |
1999-10-14 | Hearing of the motion to state a constitutional question, 1999-10-14, CJ | |
1999-09-16 | Order on motion to extend time | |
1999-09-16 |
Decision on motion to extend time, DeRg, to serve & file the appellant's record, factum and book of authorities to (5) weeks after the decision on the motion to state Constitutional Questions. Granted, no order as to costs |
1999-09-16 | Submission of motion to extend time, DeRg | |
1999-09-15 | Response to motion to extend time, (included in motion book), Completed on: 1999-09-15 | Marijana Ruzic |
1999-09-15 | Motion to extend time, to file the appellant's record, factum and authorities 5 weeks after the release of the ruling on the pending motion to state const. questions (1 copy - book form), Completed on: 1999-09-15 | Her Majesty the Queen |
1999-08-24 | Submission of motion to state a constitutional question, 1999-10-14, CJ | |
1999-08-24 | Reply to the motion to state a constitutional question, (Letter Form), from F. Addario dated Aug. 24/99 (by fax) re: his position on the constitutional issue, Completed on: 1999-08-24 | Marijana Ruzic |
1999-08-17 | Trial court record, (1 envelope enclosing papers and exhibits) | |
1999-08-12 | Order on motion to extend time | |
1999-08-12 |
Decision on motion to extend time, Reg, to serve & file the appellant's record, factum & book of authorities to Sept. 23/99. Granted, no order as to costs |
1999-08-12 | Submission of motion to extend time, Reg | |
1999-07-27 | Response to the motion for leave to intervene, (consent to the interventions by Can. Council of Churches et Can. Council for Refugees), Completed on: 1999-07-27 | Her Majesty the Queen |
1999-07-22 | Motion to extend time, to file the appellant's record, factum and authorities to Sept. 23, 1999 - book form, Completed on: 1999-07-22 | Her Majesty the Queen |
1999-07-07 | Response to the motion to state a constitutional question, (book form), Completed on: 1999-07-07 | Her Majesty the Queen |
1999-06-21 | Motion for leave to intervene, joint by Canadian Council of Churches and Canadian Council for Refugees, Completed on: 1999-06-21 | Canadian Council of Churches |
1999-06-18 | Motion to state a constitutional question, (book form), Completed on: 1999-06-18 | Marijana Ruzic |
1999-04-23 | Letter acknowledging receipt of notice of appeal | |
1999-04-20 | Notice of appeal, Completed on: 1999-04-20 | Her Majesty the Queen |
1999-03-26 | Notice of deposit of judgment issued to all parties | |
1999-03-25 |
Judgment of the Court on the application for leave to appeal, The application for leave to appeal is granted. Granted, no order as to costs |
1999-02-15 | All materials on application for leave submitted to the Judges, L'HD G Ba | |
1998-11-25 | Respondent's response on the application for leave to appeal, Completed on: 1998-11-25 | Marijana Ruzic |
1998-11-19 | General proceeding, (addendum to reasons for judgment of C.A.) | Her Majesty the Queen |
1998-11-10 | Letter acknowledging receipt of a complete application for leave to appeal, sent to A.G. Canada and Sack Goldblatt Mitchell | |
1998-10-27 | Application for leave to appeal, Completed on: 1998-10-27 | Her Majesty the Queen |
Please note that in the case of closed files, the “Status” column reflects the status of the parties at the time of the proceedings. For more information about the proceedings and about the dates when the file was open, please consult the docket of the case in question.
Main parties
Name | Role | Status |
Her Majesty the Queen | Appellant | Active |
Name | Role | Status |
Ruzic, Marijana | Respondent | Active |
Other parties
Name | Role | Status |
Canadian Council of Churches | Intervener | Active |
Canadian Council for Refugees | Intervener | Active |
Attorney General for Ontario | Intervener | Active |
Party: Her Majesty the Queen
Morris Pistyner
284 Wellington Street
Ottawa, Ontario
K1A 0H8
Telephone: (613) 952-7553
FAX: (613) 957-8742
284 Wellington Street, Suite 2311
Ottawa, Ontario
K1A 0H8
Telephone: (613) 957-4763
FAX: (613) 941-7865
Party: Ruzic, Marijana
Leslie Pringle
1130 - 20 Dundas St West
Box 180
Toronto, Ontario
M5G 2G8
Telephone: (416) 979-6446
FAX: (416) 591-7333
150 Metcalfe Street
Suite 2300
Ottawa, Ontario
K2P 1P1
Telephone: (613) 230-3988
FAX: (613) 230-7085
Party: Canadian Council of Churches
Jill Copeland
11 Prince Arthur Avenue
Toronto, Ontario
M5R 1B2
Telephone: (416) 964-9664
FAX: (416) 964-8305
800 - 200 Elgin Street
Ottawa, Ontario
K2P 1L5
Telephone: (613) 233-7747
FAX: (613) 233-2374
Party: Canadian Council for Refugees
11 Prince Arthur Avenue
Toronto, Ontario
M5R 1B2
Telephone: (416) 964-9664
FAX: (416) 964-8305
800 - 200 Elgin Street
Ottawa, Ontario
K2P 1L5
Telephone: (613) 233-7747
FAX: (613) 233-2374
Party: Attorney General for Ontario
John McInnes
720 Bay St
10th Floor
Toronto, Ontario
M5G 2K1
Telephone: (416) 326-4580
FAX: (416) 326-4656
70 Gloucester Street
Ottawa, Ontario
K2P 0A2
Telephone: (613) 566-2058
FAX: (613) 235-4430
Case summaries are prepared by the Office of the Registrar of the Supreme Court of Canada (Law Branch). Please note that summaries are not provided to the Judges of the Court. They are placed on the Court file and website for information purposes only.
Lower court rulings
Ontario Court of Justice (General Division)
Acuittal: unlawfully importing heroin into Canada and possession and use of a false passport
Court of Appeal for Ontario
Appeal dismissed; s. 17 of Criminal Code declared of no force or effect to the extent that it prevents an accused from relying on the common law defence of duress
Memorandums of argument on application for leave to appeal
The memorandums of argument on an application for leave to appeal will be posted here 30 days after leave to appeal has been granted unless they contain personal information, information that is subject to a publication ban, or any other information that is not part of the public record. You may also obtain copies of the memorandum by filing out the Request for Court records form or by contacting the Court’s Records Centre either by email at or by telephone at 613‑996‑7933 or at 1‑888‑551‑1185.
If you have questions about a memorandum of argument or want to use a memorandum of argument, please contact the author of the memorandum of argument directly. Their name appears at the end of the memorandum of argument. The contact information for counsel is found in the “Counsel” tab of this page.
Downloadable PDFs
Not available
Related links
Factums on appeal
The factums of the appellant, the respondent and the intervener will be posted here at least 2 weeks before the hearing unless they contain personal information, information that is subject to a publication ban, or any other information that is not part of the public record. You may also obtain copies of factums by filling out the Request for Court records form or by contacting the Court’s Records Centre either by email at or by telephone at 613‑996‑7933 or at 1‑888‑551‑1185.
If you have questions about a factum or want permission to use a factum, please contact the author of the factum directly. Their contact information appears on the first page of each factum.
Downloadable PDFs
Not available