Contract Details

Reference Number: C-2018-2019-Q3-0581
Procurement Identification Number: 1N001-18-3854
Vendor Name: Cyber 3D
Contract Date: 2018‑11‑16
Economic Object Code / Description: 0584 - License/Maintenance fees for operating system and utility software related to servers, storage, peripherals and components
Contract Period/Delivery Date: 2018‑11‑19 to 2019‑12‑13
Total Contract Value: $20,214.57
Original Contract Value: $20,214.57
Comments: This contract was competitively sourced.
This contract is a multi-year contract.
Commodity Type: S - Service
Commodity Code: N7030AJA
Country of Origin: CA - Canada
Solicitation Procedure: TC - Traditional Competitive
Limited Tendering Reason: 85 - Low Dollar-value
Instrument Type: C - Contract
Reporting Period: 2018-2019-Q3
Detailed Description: