Contract Details

Reference Number: C-2017-2018-Q4-0324
Procurement Identification Number: 1N001-1718-1140
Vendor Name: Samson and Associates CPA/Consulting Inc.
Contract Date: 2018‑02‑19
Economic Object Code / Description: 0499 - Other Professional Services not Elsewhere Specified
Contract Period/Delivery Date: 2018‑02‑19 to 2018‑04‑30
Total Contract Value: $10,565.50
Original Contract Value: $10,565.50
Comments: This contract was sole-sourced.
This contract is issued under ProServices Public Service and Procurement Canada procurement tool.
Commodity Type: S - Service
Commodity Code: T018E
Country of Origin: CA - Canada
Solicitation Procedure: TN - Traditional Non-Competitive
Limited Tendering Reason: 85 - Low Dollar-value
Call-up or Contract against a Standing Offer or Supply Arrangement Agreement: PWSOSA - Call-up or Contract against a Standing Offer or Supply Arrangement Agreement established by PSPC.
Standing Offer or Supply Arrangement Number: E60ZT-120001/388/ZT
Instrument Type: C - Contract
Reporting Period: 2017-2018-Q4
Detailed Description: This contract was for a consultant in human resources.