Court Bibliography
(See also articles under Statistics)
Alarie, B. and A. Green, "Should They All Just Get Along? Judicial Ideology, Collegiality, and Appointments to the Supreme Court of Canada" (2008) 53 University of New Brunswick Law Journal 73.
Alarie, B., A. Green and E.M. Iacobucci, "Panel Selection on High Courts" (2015) 65 University of Toronto Law Journal 335.
Arbour, L., "An Interview with the Honourable Madam Justice Louise Arbour" (2015) 46 (2) Ottawa Law Review 383.
Ashenburg, K., "Canada's Top Judge: Chief Justice Beverley McLachlin's Remarkable Service" (2016) 19 (7) Alberta Views 34.
Backhouse, C. "Claire L'Heureux-Dube: Controversial Judge on a Controversial Court in a Controversial Time" (2018), 51 (2-3) Revue Juridique Thémis 277.
Bastarache, M., "How Internationalization of the Law has Materialized in Canada" (2009) 59 University of New Brunswick Law Journal 190.
Beaulac, S., "Recent Developments at the Supreme Court of Canada on the Use of Parliamentary Debates" (2000) 63 Saskatchewan Law Review 581.
Belleau, M., R. Johnson and A. Packwood, "L'honorable Louise Charron: Une analyse quantitative comparée de sa jurisprudence" (2014) 65 Supreme Court Law Review (2d) 33.
Bilodeau, R., "Roles and Responsibilities of the Registrar of the Supreme Court of Canada" (September 2011) 5 Journal of Parliamentary and Political Law 491.
Binnie, I., "An Interview with the Honourable Justice Ian Binnie" (2012-2013) 44 (3) Ottawa Law Review 571.
Binnie, I., "Judging the Judges: 'May They Boldly Go Where Ivan Rand Went Before'" (2013) 26 (1) Canadian Journal of Law and Jurisprudence 5.
Bodwin, K., J.S. Rosenthal and A.H. Yoon, "Opinion Writing and Authorship on the Supreme Court of Canada" (2013) 63 (2) University of Toronto Law Journal 159.
Botterell, A., "Should the Supreme Court Cite Living Judges?: A Comment on Professor Mohammed" (September 2009) 36 (1) Advocates' Quarterly 138.
Charron, L., "An Interview with the Honourable Justice Louise Charron" (2011-2013) 43 (2) Ottawa Law Review 305.
Cordonier Segger, M., "Sustainability, Global Justice, and the Law: Contributions of the Hon. Justice Charles Doherty Gonthier" (2010) 55 (2) McGill Law Journal 337.
Côté, S., "Allocution de la juge Suzanne Côté: Réception de Bienvenue" (2015-2016) 47 Ottawa Law Review 283.
Côté, S., "The Art - or The Science - or Both - of Trial Advocacy / The Honourable Suzanne Côté" (Summer 2015) 34 (1) The Advocates' Journal 7.
Crandall, E., "Defeat and Ambiguity: The Pursuit of Judicial Selection Reform for the Supreme Court of Canada" (2015) 41 (1) Queen's Law Journal 73.
Cromwell, T.A., and S. Anstis. "The Legal Services Gap: Access to Justice as a Regulatory Issue" (2016), 42 (1) Queen's Law Journal 1.
Cromwell, T.A., S. Anstis and T. Touchie. "Revisiting the Role of Presumptions of Legislative Intent in Statutory Interpretation" (December 2017), 95 (2) Canadian Bar Review 297.
Currie, J.H., "International Human Rights Law in the Supreme Court's Charter Jurisprudence [Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms]: Commitment, Retrenchment and Retreat: In no Particular Order" (2010) 50 Supreme Court Law Review (2d) 423.
Deschamps, M. "Double regard sur Louis LeBel : l'homme et le juge" (Juin 2016), 57 (2) Cahiers de droit 225.
Dixon, R., "The Supreme Court of Canada and Constitutional (Equality) Baselines" (Winter 2013) 50 (3) Osgoode Hall Law Journal 637.
Dixon, R., "The Supreme Court of Canada, Charter Dialogue, and Deference" (2009) 47 Osgoode Hall Law Journal 235.
Dodek, A.M., "From Subservient Officers of the Crown to Independent Servants of the People: The Supreme Court of Canada's Perceptions of Itself" (2017) 78 Supreme Court Law Review (2d) 49.
Fraser, C.A. "Tribute to the Right Honourable Beverley McLachlin Retired Chief Justice of Canada: Gala Dinner" (September 2018), 76 (5) The Advocate (Vancouver) 681.
Gascon, C., "Speech of Justice Gascon: Welcoming Reception" (2014-2015) 46 (2) Ottawa Law Review 417.
Groppi, T., "A User-Friendly Court: The Influence of Supreme Court of Canada Decisions Since 1982 on Court Decisions in other Liberal Democracies. (On 25 Years with a New Constitution)" (2007) 36 Supreme Court Law Review 337.
Hughes, P., "Supreme Court of Canada Equality Jurisprudence and “Everyday Life”" (2012) 58 Supreme Court Law Review (2d) 245.
Iacobucci, F., "The Supreme Court of Canada: Its History, Powers and Responsibilities" (2002) 4 Journal of Appellate Practice and Process 27.
"In Furtherance of Justice: the Judicial Life of Thomas Cromwell". Vol. 80 Toronto, Ontario : LexisNexis, 2017. Note : Volume of the Supreme Court Law Review ((2017), 80 S.C.L.R. 2d)) honouring Justice Thomas Cromwell.
Jilani, Nadia A., Donald R. Songer and Susan W. Johnson, "Gender, Consciousness Raising, and Decision Making on the Supreme Court of Canada" (September-October 2010) 94 (2) Judicature 59.
Joseph, C.M., "All but One: Solo Dissents on the Modern Supreme Court of Canada" (2006) 44(3) Osgoode Hall Law Journal 501.
Kari, S., "Carving Out a Profile [of Justice Andromache Karakatsanis]" (April 2015) 39 (4) Canadian Lawyer 26.
Kirkup, K., "The Everyday Practice of Canadian Criminal Law: The Criminal 'as of Right' Jurisprudence of Justice Louise Charron" (2014) 65 Supreme Court Law Review (2d) 55.
Knopf, P. "The 'Supreme Court of Canada's Labour Law Trilogy': Its Legacy and Implications on the Future" (2015), 45 (2) Ottawa Law Review 265.
LeBel, L., "La garantie constitutionnelle de la liberté de religion : Mais, qu'est-ce que la religion? Qu'est-ce que Dieu?" (2016), 75 Supreme Court Law Review (2d) 21.
LeBel, L., "Postface : Un regard sur la vie judiciaire" (June 2017) 73 (3) Canadian Bar Review 737.
LeBel, L. and P.-L. Le Saunier, "L'interaction du droit civil et de la common law à la Cour suprême du Canada" (2006) 47(2) Cahiers de Droit 179.
LeBel, L. and V. Rochette, "La Loyauté de l'obligation et l'obligation de loyauté : Charles Gonthier et l'obligation de bonne foi en droit civil québécois" (2012) 56 Supreme Court Law Review (2d) 623.
L'Heureux-Dubé, C., "Bijuralism: A Supreme Court of Canada's Justice's Perspective" (2002) 62 Louisiana Law Review 449.
L'Heureux-Dubé, C., "Realizing Equality in the Twentieth Century: The Role of the Supreme Court of Canada in Comparative Perspective" (2003) 1(1) International Journal of Constitutional Law 35.
Macfarlane, E., "Administration at the Supreme Court of Canada: Challenges and Change in the Charter Era" (March 2009) 52 (1) Canadian Public Administration 1.
Macfarlane, E., "Consensus and Unanimity at the Supreme Court of Canada" (2010) 52 Supreme Court Law Review (2d) 379.
Mayeda, G., "Between Principle and Pragmatism: The Decline of Principled Reasoning in the Jurisprudence of the McLachlin Court" (2010) 50 Supreme Court Law Review (2d) 41.
McCormick, P. "'By the Court': The Untold Story of a Canadian Judicial Innovation" (2016), 53 (3) Osgoode Hall Law Journal 1048.
McCormick, P., "Standing Apart: Separate Concurrence and the Modern Supreme Court of Canada, 1984-2006" (2008) 53 McGill Law Journal 137.
McCormick, P., "Structures of Judgments: How the Modern Supreme Court of Canada Organizes its Reasons" (Spring 2009) 32 (1) Dalhousie Law Journal 35.
McLachlin, B. "Accès à la justice et marginalisation : l'aspect humain de l'accès à la justice" (Juin 2016), 57 (2) Cahiers de droit 341.
McLachlin, B., "The Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms' First 30 Years: A Good Beginning" (2013) 61 Supreme Court Law Review (2d) 25.
McLachlin, B., "The Supreme Court and the Public Interest" The Heald Lecture, College of Law, 26 February 2001 (2001) 64 Saskatchewan Law Review 309.
McLachlin, B., "Le rôle du juge en chef" (2002) 32(2) Revue générale de droit. Université d’Ottawa 403.
McLachlin, B., "The Challenges We Face" (2007) 40(2) University of British Columbia Law Review 819.
Migneault, G., "L’influence du juge Bastarache dans les affaires de droit linguistique à la Cour suprême du canada" (2012) 42 (3) Revue De Droit De l'Université De Sherbrooke 571.
Mockle, D. "La justice constitutionnelle face au mouvement conservateur: la Cour suprême du Canada et le gouvernement Harper (2006 - 2015)" (December 2017), 58 (4) Cahiers de droit 653.
Neudorf, L., "The Supreme Court and Parliament: Evolving Roles and Relationships" (2017) 78 Supreme Court Law Review (2d) 3.
Ostberg, C.L., and M.E. Wetstein. "Strategic Behaviour and Leadership Patterns of Modern Chief Justices" (Spring 2018), 55 (2) Osgoode Hall Law Journal 478.
Raymer, E. McLachlin Reflects on Legacy at Final Press Conference: Post-Retirement, McLachlin Hopes to “Push this Project of Access to Justice Forward” in the Area of Family Law in Particular, (December 18, 2017) Note: Source: LegalFeeds, The blog of Canadian Lawyer and Law Times.
Raymer, E. New SCC Chief Justice Speaks at Advocates’ End of Term Dinner: Wagner Said the Supreme Court 'must Find Ways to Communicate Directly with the Public.', (June 8, 2018) Note: Source: LegalFeeds, The blog of Canadian Lawyer and Law Times.
Raymer, E. "Opening the Supreme Court: How Accessibility Has Defined Chief Justice Richard Wagner’s Career" (November/December 2018), 42 (10) Canadian Lawyer 26.
Robert, M., "Antonio Lamer : L'Homme, sa vie et son temps ; Part of Special Issue, Tribute to Judge Antonio Lamer" (2009) 46 Supreme Court Law Review (2d) 9.
Roland, A., "Le juge en chef Lamer et l'administration de la Cour suprême du Canada : une vision en action ; Part of Special Issue, Tribute to Judge Antonio Lamer" (2009) 46 Supreme Court Law Review (2d) 15.
Rothstein, M., "Access to Justice and Intellectual Property Litigation" (December 2014) 27 (1) Intellectual Property Journal 1.
Rothstein, M., "Checks and Balances in Constitutional Interpretation" (2016) 79 Saskatchewan Law Review 1.
Russell, P.H., "Selecting Supreme Court Justices: Is Trudeau's Sunny Way a Better Way?" (2017) University of New Brunswick Law Journal 3.
Ryder, B., and T. Hashmani, "Managing Charter [Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms] Equality Rights: The Supreme Court of Canada's Disposition of Leave to Appeal Applications in Section 15 Cases, 1989-2010" (2010) 51 Supreme Court Law Review (2d) 505.
Schiavon, C., "Le Rôle démocratique de la Cour suprême du Canada" (2017) 11 Journal of Parliamentary and Political Law 443.
Shoemaker, M., "Bilingualism and Bijuralism at the Supreme Court of Canada" (2013) 7 Journal of Parliamentary and Political Law 305.
Sirota, L., "The Supreme Court and the Conventions of the Constitution" (2017) 78 Supreme Court Law Review (2d) 31.
Tibbetts, J., "Building Consensus: After almost 25 Years on the Supreme Court Bench, and as the Court's Longest-Serving Chief Justice, Beverley McLachlin is seen as a Leader Who Gets Things done" (July 2013) Canadian Lawyer 24.
van Ert, G. "Portes et fenêtres - Louis LeBel et l'approche québécoise relative à l'interprétation du droit interne à la lumière du droit international" (Juin 2016), 57 (2) Cahiers de droit 269.
Wagner, R. "How Do Judges Think about Identity: The Impact of 35 Years of Charter Adjudication" (2017-2018), 49 (1) Ottawa Law Review 43.
Way, R.C., "Reforming Judicial Appointments: Change and Challenge" (2017) 68 University of New Brunswick Law Journal 18.
Backhouse, Constance. Two firsts : Bertha Wilson and Claire L'Heureux-Dubé at the Supreme Court of Canada. Toronto : Second Story Press, 2019.
Baker, G. Blaine. ed. Tracings of Gerald Le Dain's life in the law. Montreal : McGill-Queen's University Press, 2019.
Belleau, M-C. ed., Claire L’Heureux-Dubé à la Cour suprême du Canada. 1987-2002 = Claire L’Heureux-Dubé at the Supreme Court of Canada. 1987-2002. Montréal: Wilson & Lafleur, 2004.
Brooks, K. ed., Justice Bertha Wilson : One Woman's Difference. Vancouver: UBC Press, 2009.
Cameron, J. ed., Reflections on the Legacy of Justice Bertha Wilson. Markham, Ont.: LexisNexis Canada, 2008.
Dodek, A. and D. Jutras, The Sacred Fire : The Legacy of Chief Justice Antonio Lamer. Markham, Ont.: LexisNexis, 2009.
Entchev, I., and L.M. Kelly, Judicious Restraint: The Life and Law of Justice Marshall E. Rothstein. Toronto, Ontario : LexisNexis, 2016.
Finkelstein, N. and C. Backhouse, The Laskin Legacy : Essays in Commemoration of Chief Justice Bora Laskin. Toronto: Irwin Law, 2007.
Greene, Ian.Beverley McLachlin : the legacy of a Supreme Court chief justice. Toronto : James Lorimer & Company Ltd., 2019.
Guillemard, S. and M. Saint-Hilaire, 1982-2001 : Vingt ans de grands arrêts de la Cour suprême du Canada. Montréal: Wilson & Lafleur, 2002.
Guth, D.J., ed., Brian Dickson at the Supreme Court of Canada, 1973-1990. Winnipeg: Canadian Legal History Project, Faculty of Law, University of Manitoba, 1998.
Johnson, R. et al., Gérard V. La Forest at the Supreme Court of Canada 1985-1997. Winnipeg: Canadian Legal History Project, Faculty of Law, University of Manitoba, 2000.
Kaplan, W., Canadian Maverick : The Life and Times of Ivan C. Rand. Toronto : Published for the Osgoode Society for Canadian Legal History by University of Toronto Press, c2009.
Macfarlane, E., Governing from the Bench: The Supreme Court of Canada and the Judicial Role. Vancouver : UBC Press, 2013.
Manfredi, C. and M. Rush, Judging Democracy. Peterborough, Ont. : Broadview Press, c2008.
Martin, R., The Most Dangerous Branch : How the Supreme Court of Canada Has Undermined Our Law and Our Democracy. Montreal: McGill-Queen's University Press, 2003.
Mayeda, Graham and Peter Oliver, eds., Principles and pragmatism : essays in honour of Louise Charron. Markham, Ont.: LexisNexis, 2014.
McConnell, W.H., William R. McIntyre: Paladin of the Common Law. Montréal: McGill-Queen's University Press, 2000.
McCormick, P., Supreme At Last. The Evolution of the Supreme Court of Canada. Toronto: James Lorimer & Company Ltd., 2000.
Monahan, P. J. and S.A. Forbes, Peter Cory at the Supreme Court of Canada. 1989-1999. Winnipeg: Canadian Legal History Project, Faculty of Law, University of Manitoba, c2001.
Newman, D. and M. Thorburn, eds., The Dignity of Law : the Legacy of Justice Louis LeBel. Markham : LexisNexis, 2015.
Pound, R.W., Made in Court: Supreme Court Decisions That Shaped Canada. Markham : Fitzhenry & Whiteside, 2014.
Sharpe, R. J. and K. Roach., Brian Dickson. A Judge's Journey. Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 2003.
Slayton, P., Mighty Judgment : How the Supreme Court of Canada Runs Your Life. Toronto, Ont. : Allen Lane Canada, 2011.
Snell, J.G. and F. Vaughan, The Supreme Court of Canada : History of the Institution. Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 1985.
The Supreme Court of Canada: Legacy and Challenges: Commemorative Edition on the 125th Anniversary of the Supreme Court of Canada. [Ottawa: Canadian Bar Association, 2001]. (Reprint of volumes 79(1) 2000 and 80(2) 2001 Canadian Bar Review.) (also available in French)
Vaughan, F., Aggressive in Pursuit : The Life of Justice Emmett Hall. Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 2004.
Verrelli, N. ed., The Democratic Dilemma: Reforming Canada's Supreme Court. Kingston: McGill-Queen's University Press, 2013.
Rules of Practice
Crane, B.A. and Brown, H.S., Supreme Court of Canada Practice. Scarborough, Ont.: Carswell, Annual.
Meehan, E., et al., Supreme Court of Canada Manual : Practice and Advocacy. Aurora, Ont. : Canada Law Book, 1996-.
Porter, L., Supreme Court of Canada Practice Guide. Vancouver : Western Legal Publications, 1996-.
The Court releases annually a Statistics report,
containing a general overview on the work of the Supreme Court.
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